The Solo Prepper Resource Run

The Solo Prepper Resource Run

July 13, 2017 I Am Liberty Planning Preparedness Survival Tips 0

The Solo Prepper Resource Run
James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below!

The Solo Prepper Resource RunTo build a home of self-sufficiency and preparedness one of the most important things you can do is to include all of those involved in the technology, skills and procsses that allow you to live that lifestyle. In other words, you want the people of the household to be involved in how these things happen. Being a solo prepper and hoarding all the information puts your family at a great risk in times of a disaster.

You cannot impart your passion for things of this nature onto those in your home but by changing your lifestyle you can force those changes onto those around you. Some examples of this are keeping a nice big garden, keeping chickens, canning foods, practicing self-defense and weapons defense methods. Before long you will have a family that is either forced to understand your lifestyle or one that is interested in it.

When it comes to the resource run you may be better off making that a solo endeavor.

You are the Expert

With a family that has become linked into the machine of self-reliance and independence you have the time to consider a deeper dive into tactical, intelligence and recon training. As the leader of your family in all things preparedness related you must stay up to date on survival skills, trends and potential threats.

Learn and practice skills to become better at the survival basics but also become an expert in your area. To survive you are not only going to be tested on what you know but also on what you can find. There will come a time when resources run dry or you are caught without something you need.

One of the best ways to become an expert in your area is to map resources today. Spend a couple hours with a real paper map and color code some resources so you know just where to go. Don’t just focus on retailers but also consider warehouses, manufacturers and other places that may have resources after a collapse. Without labor or a market these places may likely be abandoned.

Your Loadout

A resource run loadout should be as light as possible because you will be increasing the load and you do not know by how much. If you happen upon a lot of something you will not want to leave any of it behind. You will need a bag large enough to hold another empty bag or a bag large enough to hold your loadout and still have space to be effective. This bag should be waterproof or have the capability of being covered.

A basic resource loadout would look something like this:

1. Concealed firearm
2. Sturdy, full tang, survival knife
3. Trauma kit
4. Water bladder
5. LifeStraw style filter
6. Simple tarp and cordage for shelter ( you may overnight somewhere against your will)
7. Copy of the map
8. Ready to eat foods (at least 1000 calories)
9. Optics
10. Lighter
11. Powerful Flashlight
12. Pry Bar

Add Ons if you want to take it to the next level

1. Body armor
2. Surveillance drone
3. Barter items
4. Smoke grenades (great for escape)
5. Urban access tools (water key, elevator key, lock pick set)

The Resource Run

Making no bones about the danger, the resource run will be one of the riskiest things you do. It will put you in immediate danger. There is a chance you won’t come home if you cross paths with the wrong people and are unprepared. This is the reason urban survival intelligence is so important.

You will be leaving with a load and returning with a bigger load. The resource run will require stamina, strength and awareness above all. You want this run to be productive or else what’s the point?

To be most productive I would plot a course that takes you through multiple resource locations because you might come up big on one and leave empty handed on the others. To hit one location is a waste of time particularly if you come back with nothing.

The timing of your resource run is critical. If you want to see as few people as possible I would leave your home around 3-4am. This will give you a couple of hours before the sun is even up and will keep you out of the crosshairs of the wild vampire crowd that will no doubt be out looting.


Consider what you are comfortable taking and what you are not comfortable taking before the run. How much of what you do will be steeling and how much will be rummaging through abandoned spaces that have been hollowed out by fire or other damage? There is a very real moral aspect to leaving your home and coming back with things that you hadn’t paid for and don’t belong to you.

Then again, this is survival.

The Return

You could be followed. This is the most important part of this section. You may have taken from the wrong person or you could be stalked by someone who watched you do all the challenging work and now they want the rewards. If you don’t treat your return as though you are being tailed then you could bring someone straight to your home and to your family.

While your route to the location should be quick and efficient, make your return arduous and taxing. Go into some woods and up and down some hills. Jump a couple fences and do some running if you must. Whatever you must do to make it hard on someone following you, do it.

The Review

Finally, upon your return home settle into a review of your trip. Look over the successes and the failures. Just because society may have crumbled does not mean that good process must. In fact, it will be good process that brings us back from the brink. Mark my words on that one.
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