Readiness Lifestyle at Work!

Readiness Lifestyle at Work!

October 18, 2018 Preparedness 0

Readiness Lifestyle at Work
James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below!

Readiness Lifestyle at WorkWhat happens when disaster strikes at work. Whether we are talking about the worst case scenario like SHTF or an Active Shooter or even if its just a fluke disaster that forces you and your co workers into an uncomfortable situation, are you ready? This is a very interesting thing to consider and many Americans are doing just that. Prepping has taken over the minds of many. Whether they call themselves such or not is irrelevant. They are playing the part and that is good enough for me!

Listen to this broadcast or download “Readiness Lifestyle at Work” in this player!

Something happens to you when you begin to commit to this kind of a lifestyle. You, suddenly, start changing. You want to be prepared everywhere. You want your workplace to mirror your desires but for most people they are stuck in a building for 8 hours a day that is woefully under-prepared for dealing with any sort of serious threat.

This fact has driven people to start incorporating readiness into the workplace. Unfortunately, there are some hard limits with things like weapons. Most people aren’t going to be able to have a gun at work but many people already store a trunk gun. What you can do is build your own gun to keep in your car during work. If you need it for the get home then you will have it.

Start with a build. Learn how guns work. Something like an 80 lower will give a much better understanding of how these weapons work. That can go a long way.

So, what else can you do to create that readiness lifestyle at work? Well, the good news is it doesn’t have to be all about you. It can also be about the things that your workplace is responsible for.

We discuss your options and your jobs responsibilities in this episode of the I AM Liberty Show. There is a lot that you can do to be prepared when it comes to workplace readiness and how you prepare for disaster without things like your firearm and maybe even a knife.

You are far from powerless and it will feel much better if you take the reigns on this and integrate a readiness lifestyle into your workplace. When we finish up with this show you will undoubtedly have work orders and things you are going to spearhead in the workplace. Remember, a strong community means a more prepared community.

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