Fridays Paycheck & Preparedness!

Fridays Paycheck & Preparedness!

July 14, 2016 Disaster I Am Liberty Preparedness 0

Put Fridays Paycheck Towards Preparedness
James Walton “I Am Liberty

Fridays Paycheck & PreparednessIt was about two months ago now when I felt the prick of preparedness again. It came flooding back to almost like a premonition. The world was screaming and I was listening. Since then I have been pushing the pace on my preparedness. I can say prior to that I was smoothing out and turning into some kind of gun toting farmer. The events of the recent weeks have proven to me that the premonition to prep was even more than it seemed. It seems with each day we draw closer and closer to going full tilt in this nation.

disaster-collageThe questions resonate in my head on a daily basis now. Where will the next riot be? What will be the next trigger event? Which crazy cop will become the next executioner? What will I do if the chaos comes to my front door? These are questions we all should be pondering right now. No one is immune to the changes our nation is going through. We will all feel the effects of what is coming. I say this not to be a fear monger. I have denounced that idea of selling fear and cheap tools as many in this industry do. This warning is very real. Imagine the current racial enmity in the nation with the addition of a Trump presidency.

2-11 woman-gun-aThat said on this weeks show I want to discuss where you should spend Fridays paycheck. There are some items that all homes should have in stock as we go through yet another evolution in America. Not quite a revolution, yet, but very much an evolution. I wont be talking about survival tools or buying silver on this show. No. We are going to touch on between 3-5 items that are absolutely necessary for your home and your life in this racially unsettled America. One such item will be the firearm. I think you would be a fool not to consider funneling money towards a quality firearm for home defense, at the least. Talk to you soon. Its James Walton with I AM Liberty don’t miss it!
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