Devil In The details & The Trash Man

Devil In The details & The Trash Man

October 16, 2016 APN Report Hurricane Planning Planning Preparedness Sustainability 0

Devil In The details & The Trash Man
Bob Hawkins “The APN Report” Listen in player below!

Devil In The details & The Trash ManJust how prepared are you? We can all go on & on about how we’ve set aside for a rainy day. We stockpiled this, acquired that, planned for this, that, or another. Have you really made ready when calamity comes calling? I thought I had good prepping plans, and for the most part my plans have been proved right. The Devil is in the details. After almost a week without electricity, a wrecked portion of the house, and lifestyle upended, some small cracks in the armor plated plan has emerged. We’ll be discussing some of this in this week’s show.

In some ways I’m fortunate, I’ve had SHTF come visit up front & personal in the form of Hurricane Matthew, and it’s given me PLENTY of ideas to discuss in the show. In fact, the inaugural show of the APN Report was held live under generator power as we took calls from others who have or currently dealing with the storm. My home was shattered when a huge Oak tree flattened the family room, destroying the center of life in my house, the home computer, the weather station, TV & the rest of normal life’s creature comforts. It also cut off the electricity, the real mainstay of modern life. Five days later, and still no power, with no idea how soon the lights will be back on.

So, this week we take a look over aftermath & recovery and some first person observations. And also some little things that may be added to anyone’s prep plans that we all can gain from.

10-15-16-cth5lh1xgaerb18The show won’t be all about my storm tossed world, the APN Report will have a special guest check in too. If you’ve been following our APN Reports Facebook posts, we frequently feature social activist Rob Greenfield, & his campaigns of awareness toward a minimalist lifestyle. Rob is the living embodiment of how paring back your dependency on things can greatly increase your success of maintaining a self-sufficient, self-reliant life.

Lately, Rob has been demonstrating personally just how much trash & garbage each individual generates. How? By WEARING ALL THE TRASH HE CREATES IN A MONTH. And he’s caused a sensation on the streets of New York City as a walking, talking expanding pile of Starbucks Cups, FedEx cartons, paper plates & a whole lot more. Rob’s “Trash man” Campaign is winding up, and we discuss with him what he’s learned. So it’s a perfect way to learn how we all can work toward a better prepared life.
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