Odor: Horses Sweat, Men perspire and Ladies glow!

Odor: Horses Sweat, Men perspire and Ladies glow!

January 17, 2018 Preparedness Preppers 0

Odor: Horses Sweat, Men perspire and Ladies glow
Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided!

Odor: Horses Sweat, Men perspire and Ladies glowI’ll admit it, I’ve stolen the above line, my title, from a Victorian book on etiquette. Hopefully it got your attention! Odor or fragrance whichever term you prefer is something each of us deals with. We all have a story to tell about our own or someone else experience with Body Odor! In fact most people think of body odor as the opposite of alluring, which is why we put on perfume before dates and apply extra deodorant before a big date or meeting. Thing is research is finding out that body odor is not always a repellent.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Odor: Horses Sweat, Men perspire and Ladies glow” in this player!

Whats this got to do with preparedness?

Well think about that big date or meeting don’t you get prepared and isn’t making sure you don’t stink one of those preparedness things? So the weather is gloomy and your mood is right there with it, can scent make a change? Can aroma heal what ails? What if you run our of your favorite brand? Do you know how to make your own ala natural? How about deodorizing other things in and around your house.

The thing is that universally and I mean for everyone and everything, scent, odor or fragrance has wide ranging impacts on all our lives and those impacts affects us, however the fact that scent causes these impacts isn’t all that well know, so we are missing out on a great tool for preparedness. Join us on this show as we talk about scent and it’s wide ranging impact on our lives! yep we are gonna talk about Odor! It just could be the show of the year!

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