December 31, 2015 Preppers 0


NEW YEARS PREPPING RESOLUTIONS false-flag-eBook-small (1)On this premiere episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program with Author Bobby Akart, your calls will take center stage. Bobby, the founder of Freedom Preppers, and the author of the bestselling Prepping for Tomorrow book series, will discuss his philosophy on preparedness, and reveal his prepping resolutions for the new year. The entire hour will feature open phone lines for new and seasoned preppers alike to discuss their preparedness goals for 2016.

Bobby will touch on these important resolutions on his list, including:

  • Get physically fit;
  • Learn a skill outside my comfort zone, such as canning;
  • Expand my first aid and medical training;
  • Become a more accomplished gardener;
  • Open myself to the concept of a prepper group;
  • Learn more raw survival skills in the event I have to leave our home (permanent bug-out location);
  • Expand my reach of influence to help more people come to prepping.

12-31-16 Preppers-New-Years-Resolutions (1)In addition to discussing New Year’s Resolutions, Bobby will make predictions for the coming year regarding the social and economic climate, the threats we face from abroad, and how to recognize when an event requires you to activate your emergency preparations. Whether fantasy, or reality, we all have identified “collapse events” that concern us. The leading responses on the Freedom Preppers website are economic collapse, cyber attack and attack by an electromagnetic pulse.

Those who are not preppers still have their “collapse event”. TEOTWAWKI, the end of the world as we know it, could be loss of a job for which they maintain a rainy day fund. It could be damage to their home from storms, fire or vandals, for which they carry insurance. Our reasons for prepping may differ, but the goal is the same — protect our families and property.

Three big announcements will be made including the reveal of the next book in The Boston Brahmin series — False Flag.


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