Personal Sustainability!

Personal Sustainability!

April 10, 2016 Makers on Acres Mind Set Preparedness Sustainability 0

Personal Sustainability!
Brett Bauma “Makers on Acres

On the next episode of the Makers On Acres Tech. Build and Grow Show, we are going to be talking about our own personal sustainability.

Personal SustainabilityMany of us dream of living a self-reliant lifestyle. The road to true self-reliance can be one that has many road blocks and obstacles, including funding. So how do we develop a sustainable lifestyle that leads us to self-reliance? There are many answers to this question, but I want to hit on some of the most impactful ones that can make the biggest change from the start.

4-9-16 wood-214577_960_720For the last 2 weeks of shows I have been discussing the pitfalls of modern agriculture and how it cannot sustain itself at its present pace. If we are to live personally self-reliant lifestyles, we need to make sure that the life we set up for our self can be sustained for many years to come and overcome multiple obstacles in the path. We need to build in redundancy in our lives and hedge our “bets” by developing multi-level systems that can overcome loss and failures. Many times folks will choose one system for a part of their self-reliance plan and simply not consider backup plans or build in redundancy plans.

4-9-16 vegetables-790022_960_720On the next show I will be discussing many different projects we can all do to set ourselves up for success in our self-reliance and sustainability plans. We will go over plans from gardening to technology and everything in between. A successful plan will account for as many variables as possible, and not simply focus on one issue. Self-reliant living can be complex with many different facets, but once the ball is put in motion, it can become simple and a part of everyday normal in our lives.
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