Engineer775 and Practical Preppers
Engineer775 and Practical Preppers
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Scott Hunt is a sustainable living design engineer. He specializes in off-grid water and energy systems. His expertise in mechanical engineering combined with good old-fashioned know-how gleaned from experience “on the farm and in the woods” has enabled him to draw closer to that goal of a fully sustainable lifestyle. If he isn’t installing a prepper system for a client, speaking at a conference, consulting via the phone, then you will find him in his shop tinkering on the next cool project.
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Scott Hunt is the owner of Practical Preppers, the consultants featured on the hit Nat Geo show “Doomsday Preppers.” He received his masters in engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and has worked as a welding and metal fabricator, a product development engineer with Michelin Tire Corporation, and as a pastor for 10 years. An experienced homesteader, he is currently a sustainable living design engineer specializing in off grid water and energy systems. To find out more check out the following sites: and
Scott states on his Practical Preppers website that: For me being a Prepper means that I have the ability to grow and preserve our own food, secure my own water source and have an alternative energy supply. Preppers take the time to learn and teach important skills such as self-defense, hunting, gardening, food storage, energy storage and conversion and how to locate fresh water. As a Prepper I strive towards self-sufficiency, energy efficiency, alternative energy, conservation and helping others do the same.
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Engineer775 Engineer775 and Practical Preppers Practical Preppers Preppers Prepping Academy