Attitude in Prepping!

Attitude in Prepping!

November 6, 2016 APN Report Mental Mind Set Prepper Mentality 0

Attitude in Prepping!
Bob Hawkins “The APN Report” Listen in player below!

Attitude in Prepping!Whats the most important item in your preps? That question has been asked over & over, & answers run the gamut. Water, Food, Shelter, Defense, Mobility, you name it, the list can be endless. However, those in the business of teaching others the foundation blocks of surviving a battle… Military Training Instructors… would readily offer one single item from which EVERYTHING would spring from, ATTITUDE!

11-5-16-change-your-attitudeAttitude, a.k.a. Morale, is the linchpin from which everything is held together. It is the paper a plan is written on, it shapes how things are resolved. Without positive morale all tasks are harder and un-achievable. Poor Morale also robs energy, kills initiative, quashes creativity. Without a positive attitude and without high morale more that half a battle is lost because the perception of defeat can vanquish a tiny spark of victory as sure as a waterfall will put out a lit match.
It’s why Coaches love the phrase “Winners never Quit, and Quitters never Win”, it’s all in your attitude.

This show is all about positive thinking & optimism, because that’s all I’m running on after a totally uncertain & unproductive week, getting things on track fixing my home after Hurricane Matthew. We’ll look at how necessary a positive attitude is & invite anyone to share their experiences dealing with adversity.
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