Aggressive Tolerance!

Aggressive Tolerance!

May 12, 2017 APN Report Mental Mental Aspects Mind Set 0

Aggressive Tolerance
Bob Hawkins “The APN Report“ Audio in player below!

Aggressive ToleranceFor sake of anything else, I’ve coined a new term describing the situation I’ve been dealing with concerning my hurricane damaged house these last six months.

I bet you forgot this show’s inaugural broadcast was immediately after Hurricane Matthew took a bite out of my family room, knocking it flat. Well… six months later, the family room is STILL not repaired, I’m STILL living in an eyesore of a house STILL waiting on progress to be made in getting it repaired.

Six months ago, after the shock wore off and a plan of action was forming, I was wise to consider that recovery takes time, that teams of contractors were not parachuting in and by the end of the next commercial break a spanking new family room would be where broken rubble stood. It was smart of me to keep it in mind that these things take time.

But SIX MONTHS? Holy Moly!

For the moment I’m at the mercy of an architectural drawing to appear. One was produced back in March. Took over 3 weeks, only to find the plans needed revision, since the county had some code issues no-one foresaw. Plans change, but to actually get it down on some paper the county is happy with, it seems to be a major task.

It’s been more than a month, and it only took a week for Moses to get 10 commandments carved in stone by God.

So I’ve coined the term “Aggressive Tolerance” to describe my current state of mind. Basically I’m totally pissed, totally seething, but also TOTALLY CHILL. For I’m at that point where I refuse to let it consume my spirit. I can’t let it get me all balled up. I just have to endure it. To be aggressively tolerant.

So this is a good topic to discuss. It’s smart to practice “Aggressive Tolerance”, for it allows one to survive adversity.
Perhaps by show time a drawing is produced, the county inspector waves the green flag, and construction can continue, perhaps not. Meanwhile it does me no good to fret over it.
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