A Preppers Amenities

A Preppers Amenities

June 15, 2017 I Am Liberty Mind Set Preparedness Preppers 0

A Preppers Amenities
James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player provided!

A Preppers AmenitiesI was in front of the keyboard today wondering what in the world I would ring my audience’s ears about this week. I was looking for something to prepare for. I was looking for a threat. Then I started thinking about a new piece of equipment to talk about. To be honest with you I was struggling a bit. Then I decided to flip this thing on its head. Why concern myself with the evils of prepping? Let’s spend some time on the good life that preppers have.

Thanks to all of our work we live differently than most people. We have developed systems at home in case of emergency or collapse and lots of these systems are just wonderful additions to life. When I think about my garden and all the joy it brings me it’s a reminder of how much prepping has positively affected my life. In fact, I would guess that prepping has done more good for most people than bad. By bad I mean inconvenience or paranoia which comes with the territory, too!

Let the media have their time in the spotlight. I will take my time in the sun! We will always be marginalized because, like so much of the division in the nation, they judge from a distance. Bring some of your own thoughts and ideas about what you love about being a prepper. Give me something unique and original to your life and your setup. I can assure you, if not for the threats we face and the path of preparedness I would not be as strong, successful or as happy as I am today.
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