All Is Not Lost On Non Preppers!

All Is Not Lost On Non Preppers!

January 4, 2014 Community Involvment Disaster Prepper Mentality Preppers The Prepared Canadian Weather Winter 0

All Is Not Lost On Non Preppers!
Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian

Non PreppersLast week, I took a break from recording in order to go back to my hometown to help out some non preppers. On December 22, between 20 and 40 mm of freezing rain fell on several towns in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Not only was this very reminiscent of the 1998 Ice Storm, but in this case many of my own family and friends were left without electrical service for up to a week, meaning a dark Christmas for many.

Non PreppersI took the opportunity to take a tour of the region and offer my help and advice to those affected. Without outing myself as a prepper I was able to help at least one person get a generator set up, which surprisingly started a chain reaction in the neighborhood. To my astonishment there were no comments like we preppers usually hear, about how our homes will be a gathering point of the less prepared. Instead, a neighborhood became interested in becoming more self reliant in the face of future power outages.

Non PreppersWhat also surprised me, was just how well prepared many “Non Preppers” already were. Those who had likely never heard the word prepper were doing well in this situation just because it seemed to be common sense to be ready for such events. Sure, I was able to offer some advice on water storage, food stocking and other preparedness issues, but I was amazed at just how well prepared these supposed “sheeple” were.

Non PreppersIf the S#%$ ever really hits the fan for these people, they will surely fare much better than many of us Preppers initially think! This leads me to believe that what I as well as many others in the prepper community have been working for is actually paying off. More and more people are getting prepared than we could imagine and taking this trip into an area affected by widespread power outages proved it!
I did get to help one old family friend set up a generator though, so I’ll talk about all the steps required to get it going from store to set up and everything you need to get one going.
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