Kids in Prepping!

Kids in Prepping!

May 8, 2014 Family Preppers The Homestead Honey Hour 0

Kids in prepping!
Host: Katzcradule “The Homestead Honey Hour”


Kids lewing-537x395So you’ve caught the vision of what it means to be self reliant, and to be prepared for a variety of scenarios that might leave you family without outside assistance for a period of time. But your family is not on board, and isn’t sure what all the fuss is about. How do you help you children catch the vision, and motivate them to participate joyfully?

Join Katzcradul for this week’s episode of The Homestead Honey Hour when her special guest will be her own daughter, ‘Prepper A’. Most of Katzradul’s YouTube subscribers are well acquainted with ‘Prepper A’. She is Katz’s right had gal! She’s behind the camera on all of Katzcradul’s videos, and often offers commentary. Subscribers always look forward to her comments on videos, after tasting a dish her mom had prepared. Her ‘thumbs up’ is well respected. But she’s so much more that just a videographer or taste tester. She is an integral part of her family’s preparedness efforts. She’s involved at every level.

If you have children or grandchildren that you want to get involved in you efforts, be sure to join Katz and Prepper A as they discuss how to involve children and teenagers in your plans, and how to motivate them to participate cheerfully and with enthusiasm. It really is possible.
Katzcradul’s YouTube channel:
Katzcradul’s Website:

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A Note From Prepper Broadcasting: Tonight a chance to win this book!

Jake and Miller’s Big Adventure A Prepper’s Book for Kids


kids 51TLeHPRMLLThe world can be a scary place! There are snowstorms and mean snakes, hot jungles and wild rivers. But intrepid adventurer Jake and his dog Miller aren’t scared —they’re prepared! In Jake & Miller’s Big Adventure, young readers discover it’s never too early to start prepping. Learning how to use life-saving survival equipment like canned goods, water filters, first aid kits, Mylar blankets and emergency radios can keep you safe, healthy and happy even in the scariest of adventures—whether you’re deep in the jungle or hunkering down at home.
Read More or get this book HERE!


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