How do we save our beloved Country and way of life? Can we?

How do we save our beloved Country and way of life? Can we?

July 26, 2012 Books Preppers The Other Side...A Preppers Path 1

We talk about it, prepare for it but will it happen? World chaos, the 2nd Great Depression, the largest hurricane in history hits Florida and another is bearing down on Texas, martial law is the order of the day. Domestic terrorist run rampant in our Country and the military might of the Middle East has combined into the most formidable machine ever. How do we save our beloved Country and way of life? Can we? Find out the intriguing answers on this episode of The Other Side of a Preppers Path visits with Richard Stephenson, author of post apocalyptic novel “Collapse”. Collapse appears to be based in the not so distant future, the background is a frightening projection ripped directly from current headlines. Listen in to Richard, his thoughts and inspiration for this revealing, informative novel available now. Listen to this show in player below!

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