Hoof & Horn on the Chisholm Trail

Hoof & Horn on the Chisholm Trail

November 13, 2013 Articles Preppers Survival They Were Preppers 0

Hoof & Horn on the Chisholm Trail
Author: By Joe B. Frantz
Host: Doug “GoatHollow”

Chisholm TrailOne hundred years ago, Texas had just come through a portion of that national death wish known as the Civil War, not so physically devastated as its confederates to the east but still neglected and bankrupt, a collection of returning losers at loose ends. Kansas had been bled almost beyond endurance, although it seemed to have some hope simply because it lay in the way of the railroad men who were trying to get across its mildly wrinkled face to the more alluring enticements nearer the Pacific ocean. Between those two states the world belonged to the Indians, a land set aside for them only because most white men thought it held no future.

Chisholm TrailThe story of what happened to confound the Jeremiahs who felt that this wide Southwest was either doomed or not worth thinking about except as a desert fact of life, an impediment to be gotten over or around, is too familiar to every schoolboy from Miami to Merced to repeat in detail here. The combination of circumstances that Texas had a plethora of wild animals that resembled cattle, that the North was rich and hungry, that railroads were snaking across Kansas, and that grass covered almost the entire surface between South Texas, where the cattle were, and Kansas, where transportation was, has provided the subject for almost as many scripts and manuscripts as there were longhorns. It’s an isolated lad indeed who does not know that while a longhorn steer in Texas was worth only six dollars or so, it could bring three or four times that much if it could just be brought to Kansas City….

They Were Preppers!

Preppers and prepping, new terms on what has been practiced for thousands of years but now for many, long forgotten or never learned skills in self sustainability. Joins us for story’s from the past about people in history and how they survived by living a way of life that we now call prepping.

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