In Home Freeze Dryer Give-A-Way!

In Home Freeze Dryer Give-A-Way!

February 20, 2015 Contest Preppers Preserving The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0
In Home Freeze Dryer Give-A-Way!

Freeze Dryer dryerwithfood3There are those that can off set the cost of that weekly grocery bill with their expertise in preserving food. Either by canning or dehydrating, food is not wasted and can last for a long time. What about freeze dried food? While convenient, with a shelf life of up to 25 years purchasing freeze dried food can be very expensive.

There are two ways to get around the great expense of buying freeze dried food. First you can buy your own freeze dryer, that’s right, not strictly a commercial product anymore. Harvest Right has made available In-Home Freeze Dryers you can now purchase directly from them. While still an investment the long term savings is enormous.

The second way to have your own in home freeze dryer but without any cost at all is to have one given to you.

HarvestRight is giving away another one of their amazing In-Home Freeze Dryers to one lucky winner right here on Prepper Broadcasting.

If you purchase the In Home Freeze Dryer during the contest period then win Harvest Right will refund original purchase!



Do not be disqualified! “Be sure to read the OFFICIAL RULES HERE! before entering and your chance to win”


This in home freeze dryer could be yours. Listen to the kick off show and learn all about the in-home Freeze Dryer in player below!

On Saturday March 21st at 9:00pm/Est. 8:00 pm/Ct. 6:00pm/Pt. Harvest Right will again join our host Lynna in announcing the winner of the in home Freeze Dryer.

Check Out Food Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with American Preppers Radio on BlogTalkRadio

Beat inflation by preserving food now that will cost much more in the future.

 On Saturday March 21st at 9:00pm/Est. 8:00 pm/Ct. 6:00pm/Pt. Harvest Right will again join our host Lynna in announcing the winner of the in home Freeze Dryer.

Be the one to have this in home freeze dryer given to you right here on Prepper Broadcasting

This Saturday 2/21/2015 Freeze Dryer “Kick Off”

Show: A Preppers Path

Time: 9:00pm/Est. 8:00 pm/Ct. 6:00pm/Pt

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