Gunshot Wounds in a Post-Disaster Environment!

Gunshot Wounds in a Post-Disaster Environment!

January 7, 2014 gun safety guns Gunshot Preppers The Human Path Treatment 0

Gunshot wounds in a post-disaster environment!
Host: Sam Coffman “The Human Path”

TeachingEverybody who prepares for the worst should have at least one firearm and preferably much more than just one. Pistol, rifle and shotgun are all necessary weapons to own for defense and hunting. Anyone owning weapons should also incorporate firearm training and maintenance into their regular schedule. However, the last thing that anyone should ever want to have happen is to be in a firefight. Especially in a post-disaster environment.

GunshotRegardless of how well you train, if you are in a gun battle, you stand a good chance of being shot. You must anticipate how to deal with a gunshot wound of yourself or someone else close to you, as seriously as you train with your firearm.

I will talk about first aid from A to Z (as much as I can in 1 hour) for a gunshot wound. This will include both immediate first aid as well as follow up medical care in the case that there is no higher definitive care available. As always, I will assume the worst and that you have a minimum of or even no pharmaceutical medicine available, and will talk about plant medicine and other ways of dealing with initial trauma and long-term infection.

GunshotA gunshot wound in a post-disaster situation is a nightmare waiting to happen, but being prepared to handle it correctly as quickly as possible will (depending on the location of the wound) greatly increase the chance of survival of the gunshot victim. Being prepared to handle the long-term care will increase the survival rate even more.

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