Prepper Leadership!

Prepper Leadership!

December 24, 2017 Groups Preppers Survival 1

Prepper Leadership!
David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones“ Audio below!

TPrepper Leadershiphis week Dave tackles a tough question that many Preppers have thought about. Only a few have done anything to ensure success with Prepper Leadership. If you are the leader of your group either by design or by simple happen stance you will want to know things you should do to make sure you have success.

Listen or download “Prepper Leadership” in player below!

Using his years of military leadership training and real-world experience. Dave talks about the pitfalls every leader runs into at some point in their time at the top. He gives examples of the dos and don’ts as a leader. He tells you how to get people to follow you even if they are not sure of themselves. Using the allegory of “crawl, walk, run” Dave explains how to take baby steps to get to the place that you want to be. Dave will explain the symptoms of sleep deprivation and what happens to a person after just 24 hours with out sleep. He explains the different leadership positions in any group and how they should be filled. The one simple way you can easily decide who should be in your group and why every group needs some kind of written constitution will all be covered.

Dave follows up on questions and fills in some things that he may have missed in last week’s talk about what world war would look like in the US. Dave has some great preppers guests lined up in the coming weeks. Like 3-time New York Bestselling author Tim MacWelch to talk about wilderness survival. This week the mystery guest is a mystery to Dave as well. But he is lining up some great guests with amazing products. Tune every week to be educated and entertained with Prepping Up with the Jones.

Join us for “Prepping Up with the Jones” “LIVE SHOW” every Saturday 8:00/Et 7:00Ct 5:00/Pt Go To Listen and Chat
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Visit David Jones website WMDProtection !


One Response

  1. Dane says:

    Awesome show Dave!! Great work!

    Now that the holidays are over, we should talk about doing a 2-part show together… Part one on your show, and Part 2 on my show.

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