The Gathering! Apocalypse Nana

The Gathering! Apocalypse Nana

August 7, 2014 Apocalypse Nana Community Involvment Groups Mind Set 0

The Gathering!
Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana

Gathering Apocalipse Nana apocanana 500x500Imagine this scenario. A variation of Hemorrhagic Fever, like Ebola, is airborne. With in months, countries are brought down to their knees, by the end of a year, mother nature has won. You, of course, are one of very few survivors. You have lost everything and everyone you love through the sickness and looting. You are alone, completely alone. What do you do?

One would think the options aren’t there, but in fact they are. As a solo survivor do you forage for what you need, focus only on yourself, secure your homestead and spend the rest of your days alone? If so, how do you handle someone stumbling upon your camp. Do you pack a bag and venture out looking for other survivors? A group or a community? But who do you know who to trust? What to look for? Perhaps joining a small group or established community isn’t for you. Do you have what it takes to start your own community? Are you a leader or a follower? Or, are you, just a survivor.

This week on Apocalypse Nana we will discuss and debate Group, Community and solo survival. The options, the choices and what we need to do. We also will pose to our guests some very interesting group survival questions, not to mention debate survival tactics of the Walking Dead.

Gathering 8-7-14 gmichaelJoining us this week, Apocalypse Nana is excited to have G. Michael Hopf.

G. Michael Hopf is the bestselling author of post-apocalyptic series, THE NEW WORLD. His books, THE END, THE LONG ROAD & SANCTUARY (Plume) have been #1 Amazon bestsellers and have been translated into three languages. He is a former combat veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, an executive protection agent, and entrepreneur. He lives with his family in San Diego, CA

Guts and glory, pen and experience, surely we will have an informative fun time with him.

Also, Mr. Hopf’s series is inspiration behind the game, Conflicted. Which we will talk about and play a little with our audience and panel.

Gathering book1When asked about Survival, Mr. Hopf has this to say, “Some would say that a survivalist and a prepper are two different animals and in some regards they are. I would define myself as a hybrid of the two, I have many of the resources needed to be categorized as a prepper and have an adequate number of skill sets to survive in a multitude of environments both urban and wilderness. Do I own every single prepper gadget? No. Do I work my preps every weekend? No. So on a scale of one to ten, ten being defined as super prepper, I’d fall in around six and a half.” Good answer.

8-7-14 domAlso on the show, we wil have Dominic Bianco. Dominic A. Bianco is the author of The Apparition Saga. He graduated from Community College of Allegheny County and California University with his bachelor’s degree. He is currently pursuing his MBA. Dominic is a huge fan of the arts and supports local talent. In addition to writing, he loves drawing, painting and sculpting. One of Dominic’s sculptures was featured on various news outlets. He is passionate about improving the quality of life of everyone he meets and urges everyone he encounters to “be a hero.”

When we asked about his views on Survivals, Dominic said, “He’d get back to us”

Gathering gameAnd last but not least, the Co-Host with the Most, R.W. Clinger. A popular and funny addition to the show, R.W. will sure to incite some insane scenario questions. When we asked R.W his thoughts on group survival, he said, “The more the merrier. Come one, come all. I will lead them like Moses to greater things. I am like the literary Mad Max in the Apocalypse world. A hero to be sought, a hero who fears nothing. Can you feel the rush of energy as I come to save the day?”

Of course, listeners of the show, and those who know R.W. know that’s a little skewed. But he’s always a blast none the less.

Don’t miss out on some fun, hypothetical discussion.
Visit Jacqueline website HERE!

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