The Prepper Conundrum!

The Prepper Conundrum!

October 18, 2016 Community Involvment Preppers Tech Preps 0

The Prepper Conundrum
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Listen in player below!

The Prepper ConundrumYou prep, you make plans to bug in or bug out and think you have all of your ducks in a row, then the question pops up “Do I help others around me”? This question has plagued many preppers for a very long time. You prep and put your time into everything you own and have your food stores, your weapons, and your bug out vehicle. All of that planning could be in jeopardy with people wanting you to share your stuff because they were too stubborn to prep themselves. What would you do? Would you freely help others and put yourself or your family in peril of starving or possible attack?

9-2-16-survival-group-ss2015-661x441Resources are finite when prepping and the issue is people think that we shouldn’t prep until something bad happens then they come running wanting help. It seems counterintuitive for people to do this, but should we have to pay for their lack of preparedness? I myself have my own opinions on what we should or shouldn’t do.

10-17-16-imagesWe will talk about what I believe and what could be potential benefits and potential downfalls to doing this. If you were in this situation what would you do? What would you be willing to give up to help others? Should we have compassion or look out for our own? The want to help others certainly is in our nature. But when survival comes into play we have to ask ourselves does this take a back seat?

I will share my thoughts on this and maybe help you make up your mind if you have not already. I cannot tell you what you should or shouldn’t do but I will share what I think and what is most probable.
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