Community Rules for Preppers and Survivalists!

Community Rules for Preppers and Survivalists!

June 22, 2017 Community Involvment Groups I Am Liberty Preparedness 0

Community Rules for Preppers and Survivalists
James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player provided!

Community Rules for Preppers and SurvivalistsThe community is our greatest ally. It’s not our bugout bag, our network of government moles or even our high-powered arsenal. All the information in the world cannot help you if it all comes crashing down.  When you look at real life disaster, natural disaster, its neighbors helping neighbors. Of course, the prepper issue is our neighbors will become enemies because they are not prepared. Well, can we change that? I have been a part of this community for 5 years and I know there are some highly intelligent people involved.

There are ways we can build community bonds while nudging people in the direction of preparedness. You may feel a little manipulative at times. I always feel like I am walking this fine line between being a manipulator and a nudger when I write or speak on this topic. Still, it’s the reality of what we must do. Our ability to push people in the right direction changes our concerns and theirs without them even knowing it.

We achieve this through some solid methods:

1.       Community Garden

2.       Communication Network

3.       Community Watch

4.       Bartering

5.       Community Preparedness

In this order, you will have as much success as you can. If you start with community preparedness your efforts will be in vain. Start with the community garden because you will be hard pressed to find people who think it’s a bad idea.

Community Garden

Start a gardening club or a community gardening club. This will be your allies. You’ll gain some and you will lose some along the way but they will always be around for you. Some things that must be addressed with this first objective is location and funding. If you have a spot and the money to get it done then you are going to be right on your way. If not, you will have to get creative.

Communication Network

Once you have built yourself a small band of resistance in the garden it’s time to consider a neighborhood network for communications. Sure, email works but its 2017 and there are tons of other great ways to take advantage of your neighborhood. Check out Nextdoor. This is an incredible site and app that allows you to communicate with neighbors, assign events, comment on threads and even map out Halloween routes! Most importantly, it can be your go to communication method following a disaster.

Community Watch

The next step is to address some of the concerns you will get through Nextdoor with a community watch. Chances are you are gonna have people reporting on crime and that is a significant use for your communication network. Gather some folks together who think the community watch is a great idea. Depending on size of community you may need more or less people. Go to to register your neighborhood and get ideas on how to run a great watch program.

Barter Yard Sale

By this point you and your community will have a proven track record of doing innovative and exciting things for the benefit of the neighborhood. Bring up the idea of bartering within the community during your next big yard sale event. Have outsiders pay cash, like a traditional yard sale and then have neighbors barter. In weight lifting they call this greasing the groove but it’s just getting used to a motion. Great practice for a disaster.

Community Preparedness

Finally, it’s time to start talking about preparing for catastrophe. Start by addressing those natural disasters that are common in your area. Your community should have a plan. You can discuss things like bulk purchasing of food storage and communications or maybe water and other services. Fuel storage in the neighborhood is a great option as well. Get creative and get people engaged.

Beyond this you will see your neighbors begin to change radically. They will have a community they value and an appreciation for the real-life threats that we face. Be an ear. Listen to their concerns and as they start to sound more like preppers merely coach them out of their shell. This is true success as a prepper.
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