Come Unity; Community!

Come Unity; Community!

October 12, 2017 Community Involvment Groups I Am Liberty 0

Come Unity; Community!
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below!

Come Unity; CommunityIn the future the communities that are prepared for disaster the better off they will be. As populations increase and the cost of recovery increases we could reach a point where resources don’t stretch far enough. The sad truth is that the government will never push us to prepare our communities. Whether this is out of ignorance or based on the fact that they believe they can care for us all is irrelevant.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Come Unity; Community” in this player!

In my new book Come Unity; Community I am addressing the social and preparedness implications of isolated communities, like most of ours. You can explore ways to create a more cohesive community of your own and understand the full potential of the neighborhoods all across American and the world. It will be out October 13th. Please buy it or share it with a friend.

The last three hurricanes to hit this nation cost nearly 20 billion dollars to begin recovery. Who knows what the long term costs will be but these billions will no doubt struggle to meet the needs. Individuals will not see a penny of those billions, which is another point to address. Prepping is your responsibility and it has never been more apparent to me that you must be prepared and you must be ready to face down disaster or at least be prepared to recover quickly.

This article is gonna be about community level projects that you can undertake to create a more cohesive community and one that is more prepared for disaster.

How Do I Fund Community Projects?

There are many ways that you can get funding for projects like the ones we will discuss or projects of your own making. You may have a civic association that is willing to work with you on some funding.

There is always the soul sucking task of going door to door

Setting up a funding page might be a better option

You could also look into grants for community projects.

Solar Charging Stalls

These great stalls can be placed in various locations or one location in particular. You will need an effective solar panel or foldable panelsfor this project. Now, your stall can be as complex or as simple as you want. I would image you would want something that has a roof covering. This charging stall will utilize the solar panel or panels to charge various devices. When neighbors lose power they could charge a number of items using this community solar charging stall.

Community Cast

This may not seem like it will help you with disaster but just follow me on this one. The community cast is the idea of having a community podcast that can help neighbors be more aware of what is going on locally, with neighbors and with legislation. This cast could also introduce new neighbors, if they’d like to participate. This Community Cast would allow you to know who is in your neighborhood and maybe who could help you or others out as well as who might need help in a disaster. It could also help people learn about the onset of disasters like blizzards and hurricanes.

Podcasting is easy to start and requires minimal equipment.

Bulk Buying of Food Storage

There is no family that cant use a little dry food storage. As with anything else you get such a nice price point when you buy in bulk. Unfortunately, its hard to get friends to commit and even then how many units can you buy with your friends. Instead, try to get neighbors involved in your next purchase. I good place to announce that purchase would be on the Community Cast! Imagine the buying power you could have if you get 25 neighbors to commit to something.

We use Legacy in my home but there are many others out there who do a great job.

Community CSA

No one is really thrilled about supermarket meat and vegetables. The factory farming reveal has scared us all to death. There are local farmers who can offer us a number of solutions. Farmers just outside of your suburbs or cities are raising food the right way. Its not easy for these farmers. They sell product that is priced much higher than the grocery stores. You can affect that price if you buy more of their product. Imagine the relationship one farm could have with a community if there were 25-50 weekly buyers. Imagine the price you could agree on. This is the future. The community is the future of self reliance.

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