Bunker Days on I Am Liberty

Bunker Days on I Am Liberty

May 31, 2018 Community Involvment Family Preparedness Preppers 0

Bunker Days
James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below!

Bunker DaysWhich social media network do you spend most of your time on? How much time do you spend there? You might be embarrassed to admit. That’s fine. You are not unique in this. With the recent events on Youtube and Facebook as well as twitter silencing voices that they don’t agree with, it may be time to jump ship. You may be thinking that this social media thing has got to change.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Bunker Days” in this player!

If you aren’t aware channels that focus on firearms review and shooting are being demonetized on YouTube along with other conservative voices. Facebook and Twitter are silencing political opponents by banning accounts and redirecting traffic to these pages. Is it criminal, no, its their business? Is it right? No. This week on the I AM Liberty Show we are going to have on the team from Bunker Days. What is Bunker Days, you ask?

Some of us are Parents. Some of us are Outdoorsman. Some of us are Preppers. We are all Concerned Citizens. And we are keenly aware of the fragile state of the world around us. Bunker Days is here to provide a centralized community platform to exchange ideas and take the necessary steps towards preparation and self-reliance together.

Bunker Days is a metaphor for those unique and individual moments that collectively embody our community based lifestyle brand. Bunker Days is here to give us all confidence in the fact that we’ve taken steps to weather whatever storm might be coming our way, and reliance in ourselves to keep us and our loved ones safe during trying times. So whatever the concern or situation may be, we’re here to help each other assuage the uncertainty so we can all survive and thrive in our own “Bunker Days”.

Don’t miss this episode as you will likely find a new place to spend your time. It could be with a group of people who get it instead of a social media platform that is busy silencing you.

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