Be Your Best During the Worst Helping Others!

Be Your Best During the Worst Helping Others!

January 30, 2017 Community Involvment Family Groups Herbal Prepper Preppers 0

Be Your Best During the Worst  Helping Others
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio in player below!

Be Your Best During the Worst Helping OthersWill you be a “helper” when the worst happens?
In response to a question about how to handle troubling images in the news, children’s television icon, Fred Rogers said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

When we prep, we tend to think about what we need to do to take care of ourselves. What do I and my kids need? What am I willing to do to protect my family? We ask ourselves hard questions and envision the worst.

This Week’s Guest: Cindi Stratton
Cindi is a listener to the show and one of my herbal students. I love reading her posts about how she preps not just for herself, but also for her community.

She preps not just for major, nationwide SHTF scenarios that are the backdrop of the best prepper novels. Cindi preps for the homeless in her area during the winter. I asked her to come on the show and talk more about her local actions that directly impact her community, including the preparation of an herbal clinic.

You Decide Who You Will Be
So, you have stocked up on food, water, medicine, and ammunition. You have your bug out bags and emergency kits for the car ready and in place. You have all your documents organized, and backed up all of your electronic files and important family photos. Also you have crossed off your t’s and dotted your i’s. You are ready for anything.

The question is, when the worst happens, will you be a “helper”?

Want to learn more about how herbs can help you be better prepared?
Check out my books, Prepper’s Natural Medicine and Prepping for a Pandemic. Also, be sure to sign up for the next Herbal Skills Intensive, an 8-week “herbal boot camp” covering beginner and intermediate herbal skills and over thirty herbs for common ailments and injuries HERE!
Visit Herbal Prepper Website: HERE! 
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