ABC’s of the Survival Group!

ABC’s of the Survival Group!

May 26, 2016 Groups Preppers Survival Surviving Dystopia 0

ABC’s of the Survival Group!
DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia”

ABC’s of the Survival GroupThe second part in a series of shows highlighting the survival group.  With this we include many different kinds of groups.  Last week we talked about the need for a group, the kinds of groups and whether or not to build or join one.  Moving forward with our discussion on groups let’s talk about the most basic things to either look for or set up in our groups.

5-25-16 who whatBriefly touching last week on something called a mission statement or set of goals that the group will have in place or will establish.  This is crucial to the set up and operation of the group.  This week we look into the questions surrounding this crucial first step in either establishment or finding an established group.

The ABC’s is the most basic elements of the group;

  • Who are the members of the group
  • What is the goal of the group
  • When do they meet or when a call to action would be appropriate
  • Where is the location or is there a location
  • Why do you want to either build or join these groups
  • How do you go about either joining or establishing the group

These questions are the beginnings of either finding or building your group/

Quoting Alfred Henry Lewis, “There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy.”  It is important to note that this represents three days.  Knowing this should help you to determine the type of survival group, the rules, ideals and requirements of the group; and ways you can make yourself a valued member of the group.
Up next week: Part 3 – Knowing your role and the roles of others in the survival group.
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