Gender Power in the Apocalypse

Gender Power in the Apocalypse

November 13, 2014 Apocalypse Nana Mental Aspects Physical Aspects Preppers 0

Gender Power in the Apocalypse
Host: Jacqueline Druga “Apocalypse Nana

Gender Women-vs-MenIt had been an age old battle. Men versus women. Since the beginning of time, men and woman have struggled to find their roles and place in society. But what if that society has gone awry? In many different species, the female is the dominant. She is bigger and stronger, but when it comes to the human race, it is an ever battle of who is better. We aren’t speaking equal pay. And there are many women who are stronger than a lot of men. But on average, the man is psychically stronger.

What of the other aspects. Intelligence, quick thinking, who is the dominant, Emotionally? If faced with the world’s end, would man or woman have an easier time. Or does it depend on the apocalypse? Is it an even split. Can men and women be categorized as who would do better?

Gender j crawford1This week on the Apocalypse Nana show we tackle the delicate and hardcore subject of Men and Women in the Apocalypse. Who would prevail. Our guests this week will discuss the topic and be given scenarios to give her opinions. We look for a lot of input from out hosts anxiously await their views.

With us this week are returning guest. Author and knife master, James Crawford. James Crawford is haunted by crafts. When he isn’t doing decorative metal work, and even jewelry, he’s making knives. Writing was always a peripheral part of his life, until it grabbed him by the jimmies in 2010, culminating in his first novel, “Blood Soaked and Contagious.” He lives in Northern Virginia, with his wife, who is also his cover artist.

Gender cdulaneyAlso, with us, for the first time ever, is author, C. Dulaney. C is the author of the Roads Less Traveled series. When she isn’t stringing words together, she enjoys hunting and watching football.

We look forward to a really fun, and informative show. Join us in chat and get your two cents worth heard. This is a subject we can’t wait to tackle.
Visit Jacqueline website HERE!

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