Gasification and Tactical Woodgas

Gasification and Tactical Woodgas

September 1, 2014 Preppers 0

Gasification and Tactical Woodgas
Host: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours

GasificationThis week on the We Grow Ours show, Nick and Don talk with Mike Leister of As you know Nick has a “Thing for gas” and alternative energy. Nick has of coarse talked Don into helping with a few of these crazy alternative energy ideas and we have done a basics of gasification episode in the past (Episode 10 only on as well as Episode 11 on distilling your own fuel. We think Mike brings the product that we have been looking for. In fact, after this episode Nick and Don are looking at bringing “Hostile Power” to the public, another project Nick started a while ago.

GasificationTacticalWoodGas was founded by a US Veteran, Mike Leister, creating self-sufficiency products based on wood gasification. They believe small businesses are the engine of job creation. End dependence on fossil fuels while increasing your self-sufficiency and disaster preparedness! The TacticalWoodgas products produce a mixture of gasses (“Woodgas”) that include hydrogen and methane for use in running gas engines. Mix these gasses 50%/50% with air to run your generator, irrigation pump, or a smaller vehicle like a quad, or store the gas for later use in your cutting torch, outdoor camp stove, or other device designed to work on gasoline, propane, or natural gas.

GasificationWe are proud to bring Mike and the product with so many uses to our audience, it may be watering your crops, garden, aquaponics, running a grain mill, generator or any number of things that can be done with this. Enjoy the Show! Check out TacticalWoodgas at : and on FB here: you can also get more info from or via phone: 1-800-516-4249

We also want to remind everyone about the upcoming fund raiser (March 2015)… the “Gompers Garden” fund raiser with the “Food Patriots” movie screening. Please get your FREE tickets. We hope to see every listener in the Phoenix area come to this great event. Donations will be accepted at the door and we are working on some fun stuff to go with the screening as well! Get your tickets here:
Visit We Grow Ours HERE!
More on Gasification HERE!

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