The Food Summit!

The Food Summit!

June 30, 2014 Preppers 0

Grow your own food – The real deal
Host: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours”

6-25 GaryValerieThis week on the We Grow Ours show, Nick and have some fantastic guests on the show. GARY HEINE & VALERIE KAUSEN join us to talk about the upcoming food summit. This is no ordinary interview. These two are on a mission to change the world, and we love what they are doing. We will discuss not only how they got to this point, but how they managed to land some pretty BIG names in the world of growing. They have over 30 speakers at the free summit! Check out some of the topics and people. Here are a few of the incredible presenters:

The Good Food Revolution is Here… Take Action!, by Will Allen, Founder, Growing Power; Winner, McArthur Genius Grant; Farmer; Author, Speaker

Why Our Current Food System “Just Ain’t Normal” and How to Change It, by Joel Salatin, Sustainable, Maverick Farmer; Lecturer; Author

How Mushrooms Created, and Can Save, the Living World!, by Paul Stamets, World-renowned Mushroom Researcher; Inventor; Entrepreneur

Saving Seeds, Growing Food and Ending GMOs Can Save the World, by Vandana Shiva, World-renowned Indian Activist

The Food Revolution and How GMOs are Disrupting It, by Ocean Robbins, Co-founder, Food Revolution Network; Author, Speaker, Educator

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Don’t let anyone else decide what’s in the food you eat! Change your life. Gain access to the information you need RIGHT NOW to optimize your health, connect with nature and those you love. It’s that simple. There are serious issues to address related to our health, our community and our planet. The answers begin in your backyard–growing your own food reduces toxicity, transportation and pollution, and gives you a trusted, sustainable source of nutrition and increased happiness.

Register for FREE at the following link today: Get your seat!!
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