Prepare Defend Lead with Joe Prim on I AM Liberty

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0 (13s):
Prepper Broadcasting Network. We have to hit the reset button and create a true culture. Prepare starting at a very young age is still training all the way up to what is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have is life. So dear or peace, so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery for a bit.
0 (53s):
It all mighty God, I know not what
1 (1m 22s):
Well, all the bullshit holidays that exist in our nation today, I just want to say right off the top, that it sickens me to see veteran’s day disappearing off the national radar. And where was it today? I didn’t see it anywhere. We can’t celebrate our victories at war, our heroes of war. We’re not even allowed really to celebrate the fact that our conquest though brutal that’s brutal as it can be of the North American continent has made the world an exponentially better place.
1 (2m 2s):
Reading jobs, literacy, health care, hygiene, you name it. Instead. We dedicate whole months to sexual orientation. As, as if what you do in the bedroom has any bearing on the type of person you are, or world affairs at large, your pronouns. What am I, what world am I in? So let’s give a let’s tip the hat as to the veterans. Shall we? Prepper Broadcasting Network family is veterans day. I’m not going to go down the history of, of when it all started and that type of thing. But you know, many of you out there might have an achy heart for those who stood on the other side of the battle lines from our troops.
1 (2m 48s):
I know people like this, right? Oh my God, Vietnam. But it’s only because we’ve not seen wor you know, seeing it with our own eyes on it, not through television or been affected essentially by war at all in close to three generations. So we live in a society that doesn’t really understand or appreciate what it is to go to war. I’m not a veteran. I don’t even know I’ve been to the gun range is about as close to war as I’ve gotten, you know, trained MMA a little bit. But other than that, I don’t even know, but I know people who’ve come back from it and, you know, changes you.
1 (3m 33s):
So thank you veterans for carrying that burden, carrying that burden and God, that burden is a multifaceted burden. Is it not in this day and age, real quick members of the EOC I want to hear from you guys more. Well, I hear from you guys a lot and I do appreciate the one-on-one. Let me be more clear. I want to read what you’re reading. I want to know what stories your digesting and I want to see them in the EOC. Okay? Because a, it was a hell of a lot going on. And to be quite honest with you, one of the first places I go, is it the EOC?
1 (4m 15s):
I wanted to see what you guys are thinking and what you guys are reading, and what you think is noteworthy enough to post up And if you’re out there listening and wondering what the EOC is, just go to the And basically it is our solution to a dealing with the censorship. That is, well, I can tell you one thing, I think 2021 is going to be a mass a banner year for censorship of the first amendment. That’s my opinion. So if you want to join the emergency operations center, which is our collection of rooms is very similar to a discord server, but we, we got disappeared off a discord that we still don’t really know why I don’t really care.
1 (4m 56s):
To be honest with you. I’m glad if you want to join, go to, create yourself a screen name, create yourself a pass key and a passphrase. I don’t want to know it, write it down. Okay? If you don’t, you lose it. You are going to be very upset because of the EOC captures everything you post forever, right? It’s encrypted on the front end, encrypted on the backend and you can go back and you can see everything we’ve ever done from the time you joined. If you lose your past key and your past phrase, and you have to start a new account, you lose it all. You start from scratch. You don’t get any of that history. You know, so right now I can scroll through every single show we’ve ever done. Since we started, every conversation we’ve had, every link the hosts have posted in the chat room.
1 (5m 41s):
It’s a big deal. You know what? It really starts to become the EOC. Just like our, our first doc is it starts to become sort of a journal of how it all went down, man. So yeah, members of the EOC, I, I am longing for you and for us and for what it is, you are reading out there in the news fear. I want you to post it into our appropriate rooms. And I know it’s been crazy. I mean, I understand why the, why that stuff is kind of tapered off also because of the news is basically dominated by who’s going to be president or how someone’s going to overturn. I don’t know.
1 (6m 22s):
I’d rather not go down that path tonight. What I do want to do, what I do want to do, want to do is have my man Joe Prim on long time friend been on the show before. I think several times actually on the I’m Liberty show, he’s the man behind repaired. Defend I want you to go check it out formerly of ever If you were a fan Joe Prim is back doing podcasts again. And, and, you know, I was a big fan of Everly vigilant when I first heard it listening to Prepare Defend Lead now. And yeah, it is where you want to be.
1 (7m 2s):
Trust me if you’re listening to The Prepper Broadcasting Network you’re going to get a lot out of Prepare Defend So let’s get Joe on here and let’s have ourselves a conversation because you know, it’s important for you guys to understand too. I’d have this conversation with drove Prim whether you are here or not. ’cause, you know, it’s just easy, a good guy to talk to him, a good guy to have on Joe Prim you still with us?
2 (7m 28s):
I am here, James. Thanks for having me on. I appreciate it. It’s always fun to have a conversation with you.
1 (7m 35s):
Yeah, no doubt about it, man. It’s you know, life is so crazy. It’s hard to get on the phone with everybody. You want to get on the phone with them. Most people don’t want to get on the phone with you to begin with. You know what I mean? It’s tough. I’ve I’ve started to think about phone conversations. Like the way that, like, I imagine a sex therapist would tell you that you should schedule sex in your marriage. I’ve starting to think like maybe I should schedule conversations with my friends, but it C feels the same way it feels wrong. So I don’t know, man, do you have a struggle getting on the phone with the guys you want to talk to? I, I do have trouble getting on the horn, not, not to do business.
1 (8m 15s):
You know, everybody is ready to do businesses and talk to new things, but just get on the phone and have a conversation.
2 (8m 21s):
I do. I do. I think a big part of that probably is just the ease of texting and, and that sort of thing. And whenever I’m driving, I seem to get caught up and either a podcast episode or a new book I’m listening to. So yeah, I’m guilty of that as well. I think that you are probably right about that, James, about scheduling in those times. Otherwise I think it’s almost the same with anything that’s important in your life, unless you intentionally make time for it. Time just slips by and you’ll find some way to fill that time. Yeah, no about it. It’s
1 (8m 56s):
It’s, it’s one of those standout problems for men. A lot of times, right? They have a, they get in the groove of a working and going home and doing the home life things and, and the friendships disappear. We’ve talked about this before at nauseum, but it’s probably worth talking about again, but the friendships disappear and a lot of it starts with the phone calls disappearing. And then, you know, before long you’re like, man, my life is gone. I have this great life, this great home life with my life is gone. And you know, this COVID thing is taught me a lot. Joe Prim about losing, you’re losing your way a little.
1 (9m 36s):
I think this is a funny thing to say. If you tell me, if you think is true, but you’ve been, you’ve been, you work off site from home, so it might be different for you, but my wife and I are at the point where it’s like, we have to intentionally create time apart, which is a crazy thing in this day and age, but we literally work almost next to each other all week because we’re both working from home at the moment, you know, and the kids are here and that is just haywire. And what I can tell is that she appreciates when I go be the guy that I am outside of the home guy.
2 (10m 18s):
Yeah. It’s kind of been a crazy time for a lot of people for me, it’s it has not changed that much just because I do, you know, my real job is outside of the house and being in construction that has not skipped a beat down here in Texas. So it has been nonstop. I have not missed the day. I have not slowed down. Everything has been going ahead. Same, same a million miles an hour that it would have without COVID just a few more hiccups and a few more questions and a few more face masks and a lot more hand sanitizer than ever before.
1 (10m 59s):
Yeah. I was thinking before I, before I got you on the phone on Skype, we talked a little bit on a Skype prior to the show and I’ll release those words too. The PBN membership probably tomorrow, we’ve done that in the past with preppers live guests. So you guys will be familiar with that. Some interesting topics early on, not to be terrified underneath your bed at night. Things like that. I dunno if like if I started recording at that point or not, but Oh, a win in the chat room says, hello, breezy. A bunch of the folks in a chat are saying hello, and I’m glad to have you back podcasting, but appreciate their support.
1 (11m 42s):
Yeah, no doubt about it. No doubt about I’m sure they’ll happen over to Prepare Defend before long. Yeah. I’m glad to hear things went strong for you, man. And, and before I got you the phone, I started thinking, you know, an apt nickname might be the new guy because you’ve got, you’ve got a lot of new stuff. I mean, I was thinking about that today. I, I don’t want to go down the list because, you know, and maybe we shouldn’t go down the list at all, but it’s just, there are a lot of new things going on in your life and that they’re all going well, which is always good to hear. How are you dealing with this? Non-stop newness.
1 (12m 24s):
I mean, the change in your life over the past year has been pretty extreme. How do you feel like you’re coping with all of that and, and how about your family?
2 (12m 33s):
Yeah, I mean, we made the, the big move down to Texas. I’m just a little over a year ago. I think like maybe a month ago we celebrated one year of setting foot down here in Texas. And for those that don’t know, we, we sold our homestead up there and Illinois, we had to, and a half acres up there that we had really put a lot of work and time and effort and blood and sweat and tears into and felt that it was a time to, to leave. So we, we left left Illinois. Absolutely no regrets about that, but we came down to Texas without a job and without a home.
2 (13m 14s):
And man, I’ll tell you what, there is nothing more invigorating than taking a risk and coming out the other side. And there is nothing that builds confidence and makes you feel that you are able to do more than you ever believed than putting yourself in a situation where it is either sink or swim. And you’ve got to make things work. And so far we have so far things have gone, done swimmingly, and it’s been, there is some culture shock moving down here to Texas, no doubt about it, but all in a good way in reality, I love it down here.
2 (13m 57s):
I love the mentality. I especially loved the, the weather. I just, I just cannot get over. You know, my kids are playing in the front yard today in shorts and, you know, having come from, you know, years of being there in Illinois and that last year we were in Illinois, we had to have a polar vortex. That was a 30 degree. It was, it was 30 degrees below zero, not including the windchill. And you know, when you go to let little homestead, you’re still out, making sure the goats got hay in the chickens are surviving. And so its not like you can just completely, totally hide out in the house and just, you know, sit around the, the wood burner.
2 (14m 43s):
So being able to, to enjoy that much more of the, of the year has been a huge, huge for us. And then as far as big changes, We we bought a piece of property or the summer, which is actually really cool, James. I mean it is Texas is unique and a lot of different ways. And when I first got down here and started kind of dreaming, you know what we’re going to do and if we would even really have the homestead again, because really that wasn’t set in stone either. And I saw this advertisement for these properties because down here in Texas, in order to be considered a ranch, historically your piece of property, your ranch had to be a one square mile, one mile by one mile by one mile by one mile in order for you to really be considered a ranch.
2 (15m 47s):
So a lot of these gigantic ranches are being passed down and then they’re being broken up. So we were able to find a piece of property in this, this development where the way that they keep their, their ag exemption is by having the exotic animals on the property.
1 (16m 16s):
I’ve seen up on your Instagram. It’s crazy.
2 (16m 19s):
It is, it is unbelievable James. So each time we will have gone out to the property to see the progress on the house and we have river access there. So this development, I think we’re probably gonna be the first house built out there. So it’s a vacant, I think this first section of this, this development is like 650 acres. It’s ridiculous. So we go out there and we’re mostly by ourselves. So we just go hang out by the river. The river’s real nice. And w where we have access there, it’s only like six to eight inches deep. It’s a rock bottom there. So it’s nice to go out and play.
2 (17m 1s):
The kids just enjoy splashing around and the dog too. So we’ll go over there. And then we’ll just like cruise around almost like a, like a Safari driving around the 650 acres. And every time we’ve gone so far, James we’ve found some kind of new animal, something that we hadn’t seen before. So it’s been, it’s been crazy. It’s a really, really cool, you know,
1 (17m 26s):
You’re talking just so the listeners understand who haven’t seen, the pictures you’re talking about. Non-native like Subsaharan, ungulates is what I see all the time. I’m in the pictures, right? They’re not native species. They are a bit like Gazelles and stuff, right running around there.
2 (17m 45s):
Yeah. Stuff brought in from all over the world. Really some, some like the red stag brought in from Europe and like Guemes Bach are out there. Those are the ones that the black knows and the long, a long, straight horns. And Symitar out there with they’re about the same size, but have like a curved horn and black Bach. And like you said, a different type of access dear, and, and yeah, it, it, like you said, completely non native species, the Texas. So it is really like being on a Safari and the, at times they’ll come just racing across the property. And if you ever seen on, you know, national geographic or some of these shows where when they, they run, they’re almost bouncing straight up in the air and they’ll just come like that, you know, five or 10 of them running through the property and running through these open fields.
2 (18m 40s):
And it’s, it’s pretty amazing to see.
1 (18m 43s):
That’s awesome. That is something to show the kids, man. They probably love that they probably get a kick out of that. You move to Texas, wasn’t it wasn’t it wasn’t COVID related, but you should. Cause I know people listening are probably thinking the chaos that ensued the lockdowns, the COVID, he must’ve moved to Texas because of, because of all that, but what, what was the motivation to go Illinois? And we’re going to go all the way down.
2 (19m 16s):
Yeah. You know, we had, had been talking about and thinking about moving to Texas for years actually. And before we moved out to that homestead, we had, we had, I had filled out applications for different companies and just no doors really open. So we were like, look, we have this opportunity. Let’s buy it, buy this piece of property and will, will make a goal that I knew we didn’t want to be in the Chicago suburbs any longer. So we moved almost all the way to Iowa and I was making that commute into Chicago pretty often. And that, that started to, to get old. And there were other concerns just because of the area and all the farming in that area and all the, all the agricultural toxins and poisons and things like that that were being spewed all around us.
2 (20m 9s):
We were kind of organic as much as we could be on our little property, but it was such a little sliver surrounded by corn. So there were other concerns kind of too, but really the last straw was, was I had finally found, got a job there locally with, with a great guy with a great, just little construction company. It was exactly what I had wanted, what I had been trying to get four the whole time we had been there and we ended up having some issues, not with that, being Matt, the owner there, we were still good friends, but there were some other things that happened and I wasn’t able to continue working for him.
2 (20m 59s):
So at that same time, and I know we probably had this conversation before, I’ve been wanting to do some sort of events or some sort of events where we combined some leadership training along with a first date or a trauma training and maybe some combatives or different things where we could go in and, and we could do either two to three day trainings where guys could go in and come out with a lot in their back pocket versus just show up someplace. And you see other people do stuff where everybody was really involved, maybe have had a team efforts and teams working against one against one another to compete and, and with tourniquets and combatives and things like that to really create something new and different with the funny thing was, is the thought in my mind was never to do that in Illinois.
2 (21m 52s):
I just never thought that I could make it work there. So I had started to kind of devise some plans of getting that developing and going in Texas. And then I will just travel down to Texas and back to Illinois. And I was thinking about that kind of about the same time as things kind of started falling through with work. And my wife and I were talking to one another the one day and she’s like, I don’t know, maybe we should just finally move down to taxes. And I think it was a good thing coming from her. I think that it worked out better for us as her idea. And I said, you know what? Let’s, let’s give it a go. So we ended up selling our, our house in the little homestead a way faster than I had to expect.
2 (22m 37s):
And it was, it was just a roller coaster ride after that.
1 (22m 42s):
And women to have a strange home intuition, man, that’s, what’s weird. I have known more than one situation, mine and mine to where my wife chose this house. And I didn’t even like it that much. You know, I didn’t understand it. I didn’t understand I was not into prepping and stuff like that yet. So I didn’t know what the hell I was doing in life, but I, I like it was a smaller house. It was probably the smallest house that we were going to buy. And I like the cool tri-level house that was in the, in the close up, you know, suburb. And it already had a fenced in backyard, but the backyard like backed up to another, you know, like literally the back fence was another person’s back fence, but I didn’t care about any of that because where I was from.
1 (23m 32s):
And I was like, Oh no, man. I’d like that house. And she said, but at the end of the day, I basically, you know, how often do you get a chance to where you have a few houses that you’re thinking about, you get a chance to tell the woman you love a pic, the one you want, or, you know what I mean? I said, let’s just, let’s take that opportunity. And that’s exactly what I said. I said, pick the one that you like, and we wound up moving into this one at a man that was God, what a difference it made, what a difference, a part of town we were living in was different. Oh yeah. We get lucky here. We definitely got lucky here. I mean, this piece of where you live on Joe shouldn’t even be city property. It doesn’t even make sense because it’s, there’s just too much space and it, you know, it’s a really cool, but yeah, lady’s got that intuition, man.
1 (24m 21s):
You think in, in this day and age, and we’re going to talk about women now, even though we’re supposed to have you on to talk about men, I guess in this day and age though, you think guys struggle listening to their, to their wives because women are in a position of power at work and at home. You know what I mean? And I know a lot of guys who have a steep insecurity about all that a woman is pulling off in comparison to what they’re pulling off. And I feel like when I talked to other guys, they can be real dismissive about, about their women.
1 (25m 0s):
And I don’t know my, when, when, when lady Liberty makes a real decision around the house, it’s, it’s usually well thought out in a good one. Do you experience that with people where they, they struggle to a, you know, listen to the women to take their advice at times?
2 (25m 21s):
Yeah, I think there’s, I think you’re going to waffle between the men who don’t care because it’s one less thing for them to have to worry about one less responsibility for them to have to a, to have to consider. And then those, that might be a little insecure, but it is probably a toss-up of a little bit of both, but you know, that’s, that’s why you need to have that relationship with your wife that, you know, when you can trust her and you know, when she’s making the right decisions and you know, when she’s got the The some intuition and, and again, I mean, it comes down to your tolerance for risk and what you’re willing to try to make happen and what you are willing to give up or sacrifice for the person that you care about.
2 (26m 7s):
I mean like, like you right there saying, Oh, well, you know, how often do you get the opportunity to tell your wife, no, you go ahead and pick the place you live and it, and now you can’t imagine it any other way.
1 (26m 21s):
Yeah. Not even close. I don’t know where we’d be. We’d be miserable. We would be absolutely miserable over there in the West. End of Richmond. It’s a, that’s a brutal place. The traffic is outta control. Oh, you guys, where are you guys at? In Texas? W
2 (26m 41s):
We are in the Austin area.
3 (26m 46s):
I got you. Cool.
1 (26m 48s):
Yeah. I’m going to knock out real quick. Joe Prim let me knock out a couple of commercials and we’ll get right back to this conversation. Okay.
3 (26m 56s):
1 (27m 1s):
Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid commander and I’m holding the Prepper’s medical handbook by William w a M D. And this great book. You’ll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You’ll learn about assessment and stabilization you’ll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off grid medical kit at home. The 2020 taught it’s a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper’s medical handbook
1 (27m 41s):
Again, that’s The preppers medical handbook by William w
3 (27m 48s):
1 (27m 48s):
The situation around Syracuse is one of utter devastation, just like the other Newt. City’s the danger area of highest contamination extends out 20 miles from the blast zone. All the communities immediately around the city have major problems. There is a mandatory evacuation order for the city itself and some of the immediate surrounding areas. They are testing the water air and soil constantly for contamination. This excerpt is from the book titled the Prepper part, won the collapse by Carl A. Brown go to today and explore one family’s journey through the collapse.
1 (28m 30s):
Again, the Prepper by Carl a D Brown. Oh, right. PB and family. Sorry about the abrupt stop. Joe I forgot at a certain point in the show. I usually run the star Spangled banner and that’s because my family comes home from their Wednesday night outing. I should have briefed you before that. I do apologize. But so we through a little advertising in there for our sponsors at the moment, two great authors check them out.
3 (29m 0s):
So yeah, we were, I didn’t know.
1 (29m 4s):
Do you want your address or anything like that, but I was trying to get an idea of a way or in the gigantic state you were located because of, I don’t really know what the, so I don’t know what you’re looking at in your front yard and things like that. Like what, what is the land like around your home
3 (29m 23s):
Right now? Right now we’re just in the suburbs straight
1 (29m 27s):
On, or not necessarily that, but I mean like,
3 (29m 30s):
What is this area? Like? Can you grow stuff there? Is it like fertile?
1 (29m 35s):
The land is a dusty desert or what does it look like?
3 (29m 40s):
No, it’s on,
2 (29m 43s):
Austin’s kind of interesting because on the East side of Austin is his farmland pretty flat or relatively flat will say a lot of corn and cotton is grown just East of, of Austin. But then if you go towards the West side of Austin, it’s Hill country, very, very high steep, steep rock faces. I mean, it’s absolutely beautiful. And one thing here in Texas as the trees don’t grow is tall. So because of the trees don’t grow as tall, even if you’re in areas where there are trees growing, you still get that big sky feel.
1 (30m 28s):
I like it. I like it. You know what I also like, man, The I liked what you were doing with every religion limp before. I kinda liked like the little store you were operating out of there too. I don’t know how many of the listeners partook in, in ever vigilant, but I like the podcast a lot. I, I think I’m a bigger fan of the sort of reduction of whatever vigilant was and turning it into Prepare Defend Lead I think it’s kind of in your face. It explains exactly the things that you’re all about. Joe and in that break, you know, you took for those, you know, Joe took a break.
1 (31m 9s):
Like how many months were you off I
2 (31m 12s):
Two or three months, I think
1 (31m 14s):
Two or three months off. I mean, you know that, the question that everybody wants to know, at least that, you know, that, that listened to you before is what was it, what did, what clicked in your head? You got all this stuff rocking and rolling, you know, to me, you seemed from a far, you seem the busier than ever. I didn’t expect to hear you on the podcast again for a very long time, if ever again, and then you pop right back in. What ha what was the aha moment I’m going to try, I’m going to give this thing another go,
2 (31m 49s):
You know, I don’t know if it was an aha moment, really, when I stepped aside, I’d like you said, I really didn’t have any intention to probably do anything at all. Like that. Again, I needed a break. I was at a point where I needed to spend a little bit more time with my, my kids and my wife, just even, just because of all, what you had mentioned, all the changes, all the things that had happened so quickly in our lives. And that was about the time we were doing the 75 heart. And that kind of revealed to me the fact that I needed to put some focus into some other areas besides the podcast.
2 (32m 31s):
And I had been doing that podcast for so long that sometimes I felt like it was just something I was trying to hold on to, and not something that was as passionate about as I needed to be in order to keep going in the right direction. And there were many times where it just either, I felt like I was forcing it, or I felt like, and maybe I wasn’t giving people what I felt that the they deserved to be listening to because I wasn’t a hundred percent into it is I had been in the past.
1 (33m 2s):
I get it. I get that I with would I am Liberty man, I just have to do it. It’s this is one of those things I, I get nervous about not doing the show and not having an outlet for my what’s on my mind. You know what I mean? That’s what made me most nervous about when you went away, because I know you’re the type of guy that’s going to be sitting around thinking, reading, thinking, and then wanting to sort of, you know, you’re going to come to these conclusions in your head and you’re going to want to explain them to people. And I thought that you would wind up maybe. I mean, I thought it’d be maybe a year, but I thought you’d be bottled up with so much stuff that you’d be ready to give back and do a show and do what it is you’re doing.
1 (33m 45s):
But you know, I see you running, the more you dig in the running, or are you still doing any fitness? Like you carry over from 75 hard.
2 (33m 55s):
Yeah. I’ve still been doing it and doing mostly the running and no, I hate running. I absolutely hate running. I deplore running. I am. And what do you hate about it? I, there’s absolutely no love at all for getting up in the morning and strapping on the running shoes to go out and run. And do you, I always told myself is a wall. As soon as, you know, things start to fall down here and to access to these morning runs, we’re going to actually be a lot more, more refreshing and a lot more enjoyable, wrong. I still hate it. I hate it every step of the way when I, I kind of come back close around to the house above a three mile Mark, and I’d be like every single time, every single day, James Alf be like, ah, you know what?
2 (34m 39s):
Let’s cut this short, let’s cut this short today.
1 (34m 42s):
Oh man, I’ve been there. I’ve been there a million times. God, that, that, I mean, that is working out. That is literally working out. Every set is like that for me, when I go, if I’m at the gym, if I’m at home, it’s like, all right, three sets is good. You know what I mean? Or even two, sometimes two sets is good. Forget about it just, and sometimes I get into it, but not very often, but, but running is a big one. Running is one of those big ones where, because I do like, it’s like a steady inclined to and a half miles up. And then, and then that same, it’s a hilly incline, which is kind of perfect. This is a little spot where most of the time I run into the woods near my house, because I’m lucky enough to the end of my street.
1 (35m 26s):
There’s a bunch of trails. But when I do the real longer runs, I do on this, this sort of hilly inclined and it keeps it kinda tough the whole way. But man, I bet, I bet 50% of the time when I start going up that first Hill, I do the same thing I say, you know, we can, we can go up to this street, make a left and you know, just turn it into three miles today or whatever. And it, but once you get going, you almost never want to stop. I mean, I almost never want to stop once I get going, you know, like once, cause I do love running. I’m the opposite.
1 (36m 7s):
Joe I I run sometimes not even because I need to just because it’s a, I don’t know if I run and I’m not listening to anything. I have these crazy thoughts that come to my head and then, you know, sometimes I’m also just listening to something that’s awesome. To me. It’s great to just go run and listen to a podcast or a, or an audio buy listening to these crazy things called graphic audio. Have you ever heard of graphic audio?
2 (36m 35s):
I, I have actually, yes, I haven’t that I haven’t listened to any of them, but yes, I do know exactly what you’re talking about.
1 (36m 42s):
Well, since I am such a, a dork, they have these awesome DC series, audio graphic, audio books, and all the Batman stories are just so good. And over the top and a man they’re like six hours long, you know what I mean to you? And you were running for a very long time listening to multiple episodes. And it’s just, I don’t know. I guess that would have been pretty good in radio days. I wouldn’t have mind. It’s sitting around listening to the radio. I find that I actually kind of enjoy it. I enjoy those more than movies.
1 (37m 22s):
Most of the time, you know, movies to go ahead.
2 (37m 29s):
Yeah. You can create a very, very different world in your mind compared to what, what the director and Andy, the studio’s vision is of something compared to what you can create in your mind or a completely different. When I was growing up on the one of the news stations in Chicago on Sunday nights, I think maybe Saturday nights as well, they would play old radio programs, play Jack Benny or drag net and a life, a Riley, some of these old radio shows. And I would listen like every Saturday and every Sunday night, I think at like 10 o’clock they would come on. And like you said, it’s a, a very, very interesting way to, to a lot of entertainment compared to what we’re so used to now.
1 (38m 21s):
Yeah. Movies are getting weird for me, man. I mean like what my choice in movies is getting way weird. I was a pretty straightforward ultra violence, horror movie type of and romantic comedies. I think I’d prefer the latter now because like, I don’t know, I the weird thing Joe and this is gonna sound awful. I dunno if I ever talk to the audience about this or not, but whatever it is, what it is, I’ve always liked really violent movies and, and violence in general. And what I’m finding lately is that if I’m watching a series or a movie that I’ve seen before, and I know someone’s like about to get beat with a bat or something, I fast forward it.
1 (39m 6s):
Like, I don’t really want to watch it. And I’m like, all right, let’s just fast forward through this shit. So I can watch the rest of the movie. And I think when I was younger, I was brought to these movies for those kinds of things in a fight scenes and that kinda stuff. And now I’m just like, Oh, let’s just get through it. And he, I don’t know, I don’t know what the switch is, but it’s a weird thing lately. The violence in the sex, I’m usually you find myself like, can I get to the point where the lead character does his heroic speech or something to that effect? And that seems to be the draw more often now than, than what used to draw me to movies and the past. I don’t know what that’s about.
1 (39m 47s):
What do you think growing up?
2 (39m 50s):
Yeah, it’s interesting. Maybe the, maybe as the world around us changes, all those things seem a little bit less like a non-fiction or a little bit more like that.
1 (40m 3s):
I mentioned that actually. That’s funny that you said that when you were, when we were young, like in our, you know, mid-teens we used to mess around with those, what the hell are they called? Like Casa and, and, and programs like that on the computer where you could download all kinds of free videos and free music. They were like, absolutely just perfect vehicles for viruses. Anyone who had these things on their computer would wind up with no computer in a couple of weeks. But anyway, one of the things that we would do, we wouldn’t necessarily love it, but we were, we were just wrapped up in it because it was so crazy to watch was faces of death.
1 (40m 45s):
You know, we would, we would, as, as young kids with no parental oversight, I don’t know why, but we just had very little parental oversight. We would watch people die on the computer all the time. And, and I remember not long ago with all the hell that was being raised in the cities and people getting shot almost every day, I made a remark on, on Facebook. I think it was. And I was saying, I remember when we used to go have to find the faces of death through, you know, backdoor downloading and stuff like that. And now it’s just become the social media feed. Just people dying regularly, people getting shot by police, people getting shot in the streets.
1 (41m 27s):
People get, I mean, it seemed like one day I was just scrolling through social media and it was just three or four videos of people’s lives ending on camera in front of me. And I remember sitting there going, Oh my God, like, what is, this was something that we, we didn’t hold it sacred, but it was this weird naughty sneak thing that we did. You know what I mean? Let’s go watch this guy get shot in the head. It’s so wrong. And it was just like out in the open for everybody. I was getting scared. Joe I was starting to think we we’re going to go someplace that we weren’t going to come back from.
2 (42m 4s):
Yeah. It’s I think that that is a lot though, that mentality and that understanding as you mature, as you mature your tolerance and your patient’s levels go up, but your mess around levels go down. You know what I mean? So you’re going to be much more tolerant or much more patients with the situation. But if, if things go the wrong way, things go sideways. It there’s no there’s no room anymore for playing around. There is no room for the, the, the little pushing and shoving it’s going to get bad real quick.
2 (42m 44s):
And I think that’s, I think that’s part of the maturing. I think that’s part of understanding the, the value of life and understanding the importance of, of your role in importance as a human being here on this planet.
1 (42m 59s):
Yeah. It’s alarming in a good way, or it could be kids or something like that. I guess we all come to those points in our life where we give up the old ways for the new ways and you know, but you still, I still find myself going, I don’t know if you’re like this, but I still find myself a tethered to old hobbies that, that good Hobbes, you know what I mean? I still find myself going back to the outdoors, back to fishing, back to the art, back to the drawing and, you know, reading and those types of things. What, you know, your last podcast was great by the way, with, you know, just one of the things I’m loving lately when I listened to people because I’m, I’m over inspired.
1 (43m 48s):
I don’t know if you get this way. Like a lot of the guys I used to listen to, I can’t listen to anymore because they’ve, they’ve taken inspiration a little too far. And it’s like, I’m, I’m at the point where I don’t want to hear an inspiring thing from I’m good. I’m as inspired as I need to be at the moment. But one of the things I’m loving in podcast is when people admit their failures. I don’t know why, but I love it when, when, when prepping goes wrong on this Network and the hosts are like, yeah, we tried this and it broke and it was crap. And we had to do this to, to re re navigate her, or, you know, that whole thing. And, you know, when you started going into to video and some of the, some of the struggles that you had on your way to the ever vigilant path, it was really enjoyable, man, because I think you, I think you touch a raw nerve with people when you talk about those things.
1 (44m 46s):
And it’s also a, this day and age, it’s cool. It’s so much cooler to hear about how things are tough for a person when they’re really tough, not when they’re make believe tough. Like everybody likes to talk about on social media too, but when you go through some really tough things and when you, when you literally fail, I guess, because you’re so used to seeing the highlight reel on social media for people that when you hear that real legitimate stuff, you know, that real authentic life got tough for me, but I made it through. There’s just something about that. You know what I mean? There’s something about that. That is special.
2 (45m 26s):
Yeah. I think that’s one thing that I will be bringing a lot more to, to Prepare Defend Lead than ever vigilant is just that brutal honesty. And I think that brutal honesty goes one way or the other. It either puts people off because they aren’t that vulnerable themselves. Aren’t able to be that honest with themselves. A lot of times I think with themselves, aren’t even that honest. So, but when you can break through and just share with people, your vulnerabilities and, and what life has really like for you, I was listening to something this week and the guy was talking about, that was one of the, The what Stan Lee was so excellent at and how he made such a big change.
2 (46m 14s):
And with DC had such a headstart on Marvel, but it was Stan Lee that turned a lot of that around and helped Marvel because all of his characters were flawed from iron man to Spiderman. All of his characters had a real human floss to them. They weren’t like Superman and, or a wonder woman, right. Just basically perfect. Nothing could happen to them, no weakness, no flaws. And, and I think that, you know, we, as humans need to hear that stuff, we need to hear the truth. And like you said, all you’re seeing on social media so often is just a highlight reel of somebody’s life.
2 (46m 55s):
It gets, it gets kind of old. And I think it’s at some points too. It’s really discouraging to a lot of people. You know, I threw in an Instagram post on the other day, I got back from a run and there was garbage all over my kitchen floor for my dog. And you know, it actually got a lot of responses, I think, just because of that, Hey, you know, I’m not gonna just show you how everything looks perfect and that, you know, everything is a dream here going on. Hey, we’re all struggling. We’re all fighting. We’re all trying to, to, to learn each and every day and be the, that we can be. So you find is not easy. It shouldn’t be.
1 (47m 34s):
Yeah. That’s true. Do you find yourself getting like a, like a inspire lag? Do you find yourself listening to less listening, less to people? Like, I know you’re a big fan of Jocko. Jocko’s one of those guys that I, I like what he does. And, but I used to listen to him like religiously and I used a really like his sort of inspirational talks and that kinda stuff. And I don’t know what it is lately, man. Its like, I don’t want that. I don’t know why I, I, and I think I’m not the only one, but I think that that hyper inspiration, I think it’s just everybody saw that it was valuable.
1 (48m 20s):
Everybody saw that it was getting clicks and likes and the whole nine yards. And I think they just beat it to death. I don’t know. I felt more inspired when our Saturday night hosts probably a year or two ago, got on a Prepper podcast. Her podcast called a family affair. She got on her podcast and admitted that her garden was a failure that year.
2 (48m 43s):
And I thought that, and I
1 (48m 45s):
Thought coming from a Prepper I thought that that was one of the most insanely brave things I’d heard all year.
2 (48m 53s):
You know, because you can’t, you can’t
1 (48m 56s):
Say that stuff. If you’re a Prepper
2 (48m 58s):
You know what I mean? You can’t say that stuff.
1 (49m 0s):
If you’re on a homestead, you can’t be like the whole garden is trash. And I don’t even know if I would’ve said that if I were in her position, she laid down some black. What happened is she laid down some of that black weed block and aunts wound up getting like nesting up under all of it and it really ruined everything. And I remember turning that podcast off and going, man, that is about the coolest podcast. I think I heard all year because of have, and that’s Jordan. I mean, she doesn’t get it. You know, she doesn’t care. She’ll tell you what what’s going on in her life and that’s the end of it. But that’s what I’m after lately, you know, that is really what I’m looking for is people to, to, you know, don’t just tell me everything sucks, but have the, have the bravery to say, you know, I’m going through something right now and it’s hard and I don’t know if I’m going to get through it or not, you know?
1 (49m 55s):
Cause then I feel like, yeah,
2 (49m 58s):
Yeah. And it’s not, it’s not, there’s the difference between whining right in complaining because you failed or things didn’t work out the way that the book or the YouTube channel said it was supposed to. And then there’s the, Hey, these are just the facts I failed. This didn’t work out the way I wanted it to let’s learn from this. I know what I’m not doing the next year. And I want you to not do do this either. You know, I think that, that way through that honesty, everybody can learn something,
1 (50m 32s):
Really learn something. Yeah. It’s not just one person telling you what you should do. You know, we We, it’s easy to get into that, particularly when you’re talking about preparedness and, and self reliance and that type of thing. It’s real easy to get into that mode of, let me tell you the things that you need to be prepared, you know, as opposed to I tried this thing and it really messed up and you can do with what you want with that information, you know? Cause the one thing that you never said was don’t use, don’t use the weed block. She didn’t ever say that, you know, it wasn’t, it wasn’t an admission that it wasn’t an admission that some part of her process didn’t work.
1 (51m 15s):
It was just, she didn’t even break it down. It was just, you know what, this year’s garden is a failure and that’s the end of it and will move on from there. You know, there was no pay placing the blame and the results. She didn’t really dig on herself about it either. It was just kind of a state of affairs. You know what I mean?
2 (51m 31s):
Yeah. Yeah. Well, and I think that so many people that kind of, let’s just say dream that dream rather than get in the mix and get it in the fight of doing prepping, whether either doing prepping or doing homesteading or gardening or raising chickens or those that don’t actually get in the arena in that area. And they read a lot of books and they listen to a lot of podcast and they watch a lot of YouTube videos and then they go to attempt at themselves and everything that they’ve seen and read is like in a perfect world, right? It’s Joel Salud.
2 (52m 12s):
And after twenty-five years of perfecting chicken tractors and racing his chicken, you know, free range, you know what I mean? And that’s what they’re watching. And then you get into the reality of what that’s like day in and day out and losing chicks and losing chickens. And, and it’s a whole different ball game than, than all the plans that you had written down based on these videos and books that you’ve watched.
1 (52m 39s):
Yeah. I, it’s funny. Remember I was telling you, when I go running, I have these ideas and I ran today in the pouring rain, which I kinda like, and if anybody’s interested and running the pouring rain don’t I don’t know why you would be interested in this, but if you’re interested and running in the pouring rain, it’s kind of an interesting thing. Cause it sucks, but it’s a, you know, it’s a good run and it’s, you know, it’s kind of a hardening thing by yourself, some trail running shoes and where you were swimming trunks and a t-shirt and that is about as good as it gets. Oh, you can put your cellphone in a Ziploc bag. I can do that. I’ve done that in the past if you need it.
1 (53m 21s):
But today I went with nothing, literally nothing, but, but those three items. But if you are, if you’re unwilling to see your running shoes go the way of, you know, the, the dryer or the trashcan you owe I’ll even tell you a brand you can buy that is super cheap because I only wear these shoes because they’re super cheap, a comfortable it’s a company called T S L a, there are a South Korean shoe maker, but they do make a trail running shoe. That’s like 23 bucks. I mean, I don’t know, I don’t have Underarmour trail running shoes, so I don’t know what the difference would be. And I also have caveman feet, so I probably wouldn’t even need the run with shoes. If I had a hat, if, if it wasn’t a terribly Rocky.
1 (54m 3s):
But anyway, when I was out running in the rain today, I started thinking about a concept and I didn’t know if it would show up in the show tonight. I hoped it would. I felt like it probably wouldn’t. It looks like we’re headed in that direction. I was thinking about the old saying knowledge is power. Do you have any idea where that came from Joe knowledge is power? Was it, is that a quote or was that like a, just something that’s been passed down through the ages?
2 (54m 32s):
Yeah, that’s a good question, James. I’m not, I’m not sure. I know if it’s something that I’ve, I’ve heard probably a million times since I was in second grade, but I’m not sure the origins, but definitely true.
1 (54m 45s):
So I ha I had one of those moments. Do you ever have one of those moments where you get an old adage in your head and then you start to get like physically angry about the fact that you don’t agree with it and you, then you, and you start to pick it apart. I think back in the day when you couldn’t read and also w you know, when a lot of people weren’t reading and also when you were trying to explain and convince and almost trick people to go to college, which I think happened a lot, that phrase knowledge is power worked. And I was thinking about it today. And I was saying, you know, I know all kinds of people with all kinds of knowledge who have no power.
1 (55m 34s):
I was thinking about, I said, you know, I know guys who have incredible degree. I mean, I have an associates degree in restaurant management. That’s the extent of my college knowledge. Okay. So, but I know people with incredible degrees that have done almost nothing guys who have spent thousands of dollars on e-courses and this year they’re going to do this next year. They’re going to do that. And then they’re going to sell on Amazon. And then they’re going to do this thing with the e-course and the people who have racked up tremendous amounts of knowledge that has just hasn’t equated to anything for them, let alone power.
1 (56m 16s):
Right. And, and not to powertrain to be something you are after in most cases. But I started to get literally angry about that. Joe I was thinking, know what I think knowledge drive and resources are probably about the better way to say it, right? If you have knowledge drive and resources, then you can accumulate power. What do you think about that?
2 (56m 45s):
It would be interesting to see the context of what that is, where that originally came from, just because I wonder what, you know, what era that that idea came from, because we probably live in a time where there is so much knowledge around or learning around that maybe we’ve disproven the same, but at one time there’s no doubt that. And maybe there’s the difference between knowledge and wisdom as well.
1 (57m 17s):
Oh, for sure. For sure. I still think you’ve got to put it to use. You still got to put it to use, you know, you got to have the drive to do it. And you know, we live in the age. You go ahead
2 (57m 33s):
Without knowledge, you listed those three things, right? You said with that knowledge or resources or driving resources, if you have a drive and resources, do you have power or do you need the knowledge as well? Maybe.
1 (57m 47s):
Do you want me to eat? I think you need all three. Honestly, this is what I spent, you know, an hour thinking about what I was running today. I don’t know why, but it was just, you know, you’ve got to get charged up on the idea. And I started thinking I was on that.
2 (58m 5s):
It says on the internet that the phrase knowledge is power is often attributed to Francis bacon back in 1597.
1 (58m 14s):
I don’t even know who that is, but that really supports my point because what I was figuring was that that was such an old adage, that it came from a time when literacy. He might’ve meant, you know what I mean? Where, where, if you looked at one guy who couldn’t read and another guy who could read, he had some damn power, you know what I mean? He could say, this is what this thing says to the guy that doesn’t read and really, really have some power. So it’s an old adage, I guess, now that you know, now that we all,
2 (58m 45s):
So all that, it was originally in Latin.
1 (58m 48s):
What, there you go, there you go. It’s dangerous though, in some ways when you think about it, right? Because here we sit at the pedestal of all knowledge. I mean, I’m looking at it, you’re looking at it, the pinnacle of all quote unquote knowledges in our Palm all day long and anything we want to know, anything we want to do, you can take a course on it. You can watch a video, how to on it, you can read a book about it or anything,
2 (59m 13s):
And billions of cat videos. Yeah.
1 (59m 16s):
You know, what’s really weird. And this didn’t come to me until now, but you know what? It’s really weird knowledge. I mean, I guess we’d have to more clearly define what we mean by knowledge, but I guess what I’m kind of getting at is knowledge and information and information is becoming the opposite of power for a lot of people. It’s literally becoming shackles. You know, it’s the amount of time that people spend digesting information and quote unquote knowledge is shackling them in some ways, you know?
2 (59m 53s):
Oh, I think for sure, it’s, it really is. It really changes people’s tolerance for risk because people are constantly weighing the, the options and the ideas and counter arguments and arguments and what this person is saying and what this person would advise versus doing what’s best for them and being competent in the decision that they’re making. So, yeah, I, there’s no doubt that The with having knowledge everywhere only, right at this point now is probably creating more confusion than anything else.
1 (1h 0m 30s):
Yeah. It’s just one of those, it’s one of those old adages I’d love to sit down and I might start, I might just start filtering through some of those old outages more, but it’s one of those old adages that you can use and you can use it, you know, to bury yourself in many ways, you know, like you’re saying knowledge is power. I want to buy a house, let me learn as much as I can about the housing market in this place and where I should and shouldn’t buy it. And, you know, and you go crazy with all that.
2 (1h 1m 1s):
Well, you see it very often, especially in the prepping and homesteading, right? You got people that have been looking for property for 10 or 15 years and all I, and my thought is always, no matter what property you had moved on to 10 or 15 years ago, what you could have made it into over these last 10 or 15 years would have been a paradise.
1 (1h 1m 25s):
Oh my, yeah. I mean, there’s nothing more and there’s nothing more powerful than just getting the wheels spinning as far as I’ve. I mean, with Mo that’s just my personal experience, you know, even if you don’t know anything about it and you get the wheels spinning, you’d get yourself in a position where you have to learn, as opposed to it being your hobby to learn, man, you do you get results, then you get, well, you know what? You get, you get, you get a life experience. And I think that one of the things about your intro that I really love is the slow death by apathy, you know, on the intro to your show, you have that section of the, of the verse where the guy says a slow death by apathy and man, God, we all know guys like that.
2 (1h 2m 11s):
Yeah. I mean, we’re S we’re surrounded by guys like that at this point. And that’s w what an awful, awful way to live your life. And that was why for me, you know, and the last episode, I kind of broke down really where ever vigilant had started and why I was behind the mic and the big risk, the big change for us was moving out onto that homestead. And that completely changed everything for us because now it wasn’t just a hobby. It wasn’t just a dream. It wasn’t just something that we’re going to do when we retire or something. Now it was real.
2 (1h 2m 52s):
And it was everyday real. It was every weekend real. It was everybody involved reel. And you learn about each other, you learn so much about not just what you want to learn about, not just about that garden or about those planting fruit trees or about chickens. You’re also learning about yourself and that the need to push yourself. So it’s so easy to get caught up and sucked into the sedated world in which we live, where you’re only, only feeding your primal urges. I had a lot more to that intro that I ha I, I cut out and cut out and cut out and cut back where I really got into just,
3 (1h 3m 40s):
I remember you sent to me a longer version.
2 (1h 3m 43s):
Yeah. A much longer version, right? But we live in this world where all of our primal urges in all of our primal instincts are so easily taken care of it at the drop of a hat and for cheap, cheaper than ever in, in history. And, and once you get sucked into that a bit, like once you, once you get sucked into so many or whatever it be that that’s your, that your using to sedate, or to not take responsibility for the life that you’re living, whatever it might be, man, it, it, it is taking it is sucking and draining really what life is away from you.
2 (1h 4m 35s):
And to me that that’s the slow death by apathy, whether it be, you know, alcohol or drugs or video games or social media or whatever else it might be. And even for some people, it’s good stuff like fitness. And, you know, I, I think it’s kinda funny. Sometimes you flipping through Instagram when you see these people that are, yeah, yeah. You’ve got to be like me, you know, do I did 1500 pushups a day and you’re like, dude, you’re in your comfort zone. That’s your comfort zone. And that is where you, you have, it might not be anybody else’s comfort zone, but that’s where you are most comfortable, whether it’s a good thing or whether maybe it’s turned into a bad thing.
2 (1h 5m 16s):
I don’t know. And this is the same thing for a lot of people in church, they talk about going to church and church just can become a comfort zone as well. You can sedate yourself no matter where you’re at the object for me is the constantly tried to be shifting and changing in staying outside of that comfort zone. So that can be learning about myself and I can be bettering myself and putting myself into a position to be a better husband in a better father. And man, that’s, that’s, that’s a big challenge right there.
1 (1h 5m 48s):
Yeah. It’s weird that we live in it cause the, the slow death by apathy is, I mean, it’s the least a, a 100 year old problem because it’s similar to Thoreau’s quote on many men lead lives of quiet desperation. But when I read that, when I used to read that quote, and when I, when I currently think about a slow death by apathy you, what first comes to mind is the guy with the balding hair, with the, you know, white shirt and the tie on, and he’s working at the office until nine o’clock at night and he’s older guy, you know what I mean?
1 (1h 6m 31s):
And what I see nowadays, which is crazy to me is the apathetic youth, you know, young men that, that, you know, they they’re, they have no dimensions. They it’s so crazy to me. And I can’t imagine being a young woman, I’m trying to fall in love with one of these guys that is just, they’re already imprisoned by themselves. You know, it’s a weird thing to see the youth as apathetic as they are.
2 (1h 7m 8s):
Yeah. It’s it’s is it sad? And you know, as you’re describing there, is it, I really think it’s because there’s, there’s no drive to go out. There’s there’s nothing left to explore. There is nothing left to prove. There is not, there have been told their whole lives. There’s nothing left to prove, right? Hey, you’re good enough. The way that you are, Hey, here’s your participation trophy? Why would we compete? Don’t don’t scrape your knee. Don’t bump your head, right? It’s it’s all of the things, Hey, that looks beautiful. That crummy Lego statue that you made, it’s absolutely beautiful, great job. There is nothing you can do wrong.
2 (1h 7m 49s):
And when you get to that point where you have nothing left to prove nothing left the show yourself, let alone the rest of the world, then what’s the point, I guess.
1 (1h 8m 2s):
Yeah. I don’t know. I don’t know how it happens. You know, it’s, it’s crazy because we like, you know, a lot of it probably has to be in the chat room. I’ve got a listener who said, apathy is there is a cover up for fear. And I bet that as a lot to do with that, that’s a really good comment. Lucky that that probably does have a lot to do with it because kids, you could never be measured in the way that a, well, you know, when you were a kid and I was a kid, we could never be measured our success in a way that you can measure your achievements nowadays against social media, you know, and against the internet, you know, like when you would, I’ll just use drawing as an example, if you did a piece of artwork in art class, and it was the best in the class, it would get hung up on in the hallway at school and people would remark on it.
1 (1h 8m 55s):
And, you know, you would be kind of a, kind of a superhero for a little while in the school because people weren’t leaving school and spending the rest of their night looking at incredible sketches. But now we have this, we have a hyper drive that takes us to the very pinnacle of, of skill almost at every level of every thing. You know what I mean? So it’s like, Oh, you won your state championship. Cool. This kid is 10 years younger than you. And he can do, you know what I mean? There’s always, and, and, and I guess when that exists in your head, because it, it should always exist in your head anyway, right.
1 (1h 9m 36s):
That there’s always somebody better in some regard, but man, when you have to think, when you have to be confronted with it constantly, it probably does hollow you out a little bit, you know?
2 (1h 9m 49s):
Yeah. And I think that though, those things go back to the character and the type of character that you’re your going to show day in and day out and prove who you are to those that you care about are those that are around you or those that are in your sphere. And I think that’s a, you know, probably a good example too, of why we need to be careful with social media and the impact that it can have on our children, especially. But at the same time, I think that we’ve even when I was a kid, you know, like you said, I, I suppose in, in art class you could have that drawing because it was the best in the school or, or have it up there to where you are getting some comments.
2 (1h 10m 36s):
And now we have a much greater world that we can compare ourselves to. But I guess it goes back to whether we’re going to compare ourselves to the world or whether we’re going to remind each other to compare ourselves to how we drew yesterday or drew the day before. And the idea of constantly working on improving ourselves versus impressing other people or, or ’cause you, again, like you said, you’re only, there’s always going to be somebody better than you. There’s always going to be somebody that has, has reached at that level. That’s higher than you until you get there.
2 (1h 11m 17s):
And I think those, those people with that drive in that character to push, push harder, to reinvent something or to find a new way, you were a better way. You were a different way that are the ones that really end up standing out, not the ones that you just want to try to compete in the same old category.
1 (1h 11m 35s):
Yeah, I think, and I don’t know what I’d like to think deeply on this for a while, but I think kids are losing the ability to do stuff that they enjoy just because they enjoy it. You know, like the driving force in almost everything I’ve done in my life has been a thing that I want to do because I enjoyed doing it. You know? And, and man, there’s, you’ve got to have a lot of those, you know, like if I draw or if I go fishing or if I play guitar, I have almost no desire in taking this somewhere.
1 (1h 12m 18s):
You know what I mean? Like when I’m on the water with a fly rod, I’m not like, man, my back cast needs to improve. So what I should do is I should put an action plan together to improve my back. Like it’s, it’s so far from, I’m just looking at the water, trying to diagnose what’s going on, where the cover is. If I see fish rising and just enjoying what I’m doing, I’m not taking pictures. I mean, the PBN audience knows it. They have, I almost never even do shows on fishing because it’s one of those things in my life that it’s just one of my favorite things to do. And I, I don’t, I have no desire to impress anyone get any better.
1 (1h 13m 2s):
I mean, it is just, I think we are losing that, you know, that ability to just go do the thing that you want to do. ’cause you want to do it. You don’t have to hang it up on the fridge. Just go draw for a little bit, just cause you want to, my kid, my youngest does that. I love it. He does that. He just had stacks of drawings on a table. You know what I mean? And sometimes he doesn’t even show them to you and I’m like, that’s, that’s it right there. Just go do it. We don’t have to, you know, the social media mindset is it’s crazy. It’s like I did something. I got to show somebody.
2 (1h 13m 37s):
Yeah, agree a hundred percent. But you know what? I haven’t seen it on Instagram side. I don’t really believe that you even know how to fly fish. There you go. It never happened.
1 (1h 13m 49s):
That’s a very good point. That’s a very good point. It is fun. I do a lot of that.
2 (1h 13m 55s):
A lot of the answer comes down to people wanting validation from other people.
1 (1h 13m 60s):
Yeah. That’s it. That’s it. You hit it on the head. That’s what it is. It’s the validation from other people. Why, why do they want that so bad?
2 (1h 14m 8s):
Well, because I think that number one, We, I think it’s perfectly natural and perfectly good for us to want. And even for us to need that validation. But historically that validation came from a very small group of people, whether it be in our family are in our tribe. Right. And you were validated by your contributions to the family or to what you gave that tribe or village or that neighborhood. Right? So maybe, I mean, because we still lived a pretty tribal even into early America into, you know, like the, when neighborhoods were pretty segregated by, by nationality, the one guy that might have been to the mechanic and you had another guy that was a tax guy and you had another guy that was the Baker and you had another guy that was the butcher.
2 (1h 15m 1s):
Right. And whoever was, that was in your neighborhood was the best in town. Right? So people were validated and were able to contribute to their community in a very good, a small way. But it was a meaningful way because you were the butcher or you were the blacksmith or you were the, the farrier in your, your village, you contributed to the wellbeing of everybody. So I think you were affirmed that way, where now we’re, the world is so big and so spread out and at the same time, so small and everybody knows what’s going on. I mean, whenever I kind of come upon these problems, because I’m a lot the same as you James, where I can get these little thoughts on my head.
2 (1h 15m 46s):
And I, I play around with them for a long time. And what I say, I find myself coming back to over and over and over again with so many of the issues that we have in our society is this is not how we were meant to live. This is not how we were designed. This is not how we were created to live. We were created to live in small tribes of people. We were created to live in small people, groups where we lived a completely different type of life than we live right now. And usually when I finally come to that realization of, of that, all of a sudden, the pieces start to fit back together and I go, Oh yeah, that’s why that would work like that.
2 (1h 16m 30s):
And that’s why that would work like that. I was talking to my wife, not that long ago about something I think kind of about her feeling kind of lonely since we moved here and just trying to meet new people. And at the same time where we’re living now is not going to be our permanent residence. We’re just renting here cause we’re moving into the new property. So there’s kind of that hesitancy to, you know, make too great of bonds. So, you know, they’re, there is a loneliness to, to moving like that. And I’ll kind of thinking this through just like, like we’re doing right now, James and I got to thinking of some of these villages I’ve visited when I was living in Guatemala. You get to think like, I remember you would see the, these women and all the women in the village or the majority of the women in the village would be sitting around in the circles and they would be clapping their hands is they made their tortillas for their family for the evening.
2 (1h 17m 25s):
So you had all these women that would sit around all day long or not all day long, but a big chunk of the day. Right? And they probably did that every day, seven days a week, five days a week, at least they sat around together, told stories and spent hours together or, or whether it was their or when you would see them together doing the laundry in the, in the common laundry areas. And you think that’s how women were designed to interact and to be together is they would spend these hours together. Those women must know everything about one another from their favorite color to the ages of their kids, to what’s going on is with issues in the behavior of the kids.
2 (1h 18m 9s):
And then they’re sharing it advice and going back and forth. Then you look at it and you go, ah, that makes sense. Now I can see why a woman in this modern society that we live in, where people are completely separated and this COVID has separated people even more where people would really start to feel lonely and struggle in need that, that, that conversation time and that closeness that comes along with spending time with people. So that that’s kind of, I, I seem to always come back to that same thought and it seems to solve a lot of these problems that we have in modern society.
1 (1h 18m 48s):
Just the tribal idea that, that living in tribes. Yeah. There’s something to it. You know, having, having a good community around you to though that’s, that’s pretty rewarding. We have a, we have a nice community here where I live and it’s, it’s pretty rewarding. We, but you know, I still, one thing I do notice in my, even in my own community where we communicate well and we work together on things, I don’t know if it’s the kid’s reluctance to come out and play, but I notice the kids, don’t it just, I don’t know if the kids come out and play, like they use to, I guess they won’t anymore. I don’t know. I guess that’s all changed now, you know, but I just, I remember being outside and hanging with kids all the time, you know, and, and one of the ways you could punish a kid back in the day was not let them go outside, which is almost laughable.
1 (1h 19m 46s):
It’s almost laughable. When you think about punishing a, a modern kid with you, can’t go outside. You know? So I know kids, I mean, even my kids on some days where they like at the last thing I wanted to do is go outside. What are you talking about?
2 (1h 20m 1s):
Yeah. I think, you know, we’ve kind of, there’s too many distractions indoors now, and sports we’ve turned sports into being something that we used to just pick up all the time. Right. Just try to get a team together. And we would, I don’t know about you, but we would play with ghosties all the time because you never had enough people to form a team, right? So there’d be a ghost to be on first and the ghost to be a second. And you’d be up to bat for the third time in that ending. And we just played, we made things up and now all sports has gotta be organized. It’s all gotta be organized. It’s all gotta be paid for. There’s gotta be coaches. There’s gotta be rafts.
2 (1h 20m 42s):
There’s gotta be umpires. There’s gotta be all these things to try to make it into a little professional thing versus just kids grabbing baseball bats and a couple of myths and going outside and, and hitting the ball around and playing and, and replaying and doing your own versions of, of, you know, what had happened in the baseball game the night before the afternoon before, and just having fun. And one, one interesting thing about that is all the lessons that, that we learned when we played like that, because now with all the leagues and stuff, everything is supposed to be by age or by weight so that everything is fair.
2 (1h 21m 30s):
But we used to come up with our own ways of being fair. You know, you’d give a guy a, a half a block headstart when you were doing bike races, or when you were playing with smaller kids, maybe you lost the ball in versus fast pitch. We found ways so that everybody could be involved because it didn’t really help anybody. One or two of the kids stormed up and went home to cry to their mom. So you always were kind of, like you said, you were learning how to negotiate. You were learning some empathy because you have to know empathy, because if you did hit one of the little kids with the baseball or something like that, right, you have to make sure that they ended up with a smile on their face and didn’t go tattled to their mom because when you knew you would hear about it.
2 (1h 22m 15s):
So there’s all these like little things that we learned by playing baseball or playing or shooting hoops or playing, you know, riding bike or racing bikes, all those things that we used to do, we were learning all these little lessons that we had no idea we were learning that we’ve taken away from, from our kids.
1 (1h 22m 37s):
Well, that’s why we can solve a problem today because the reason our, I mean, our version of equality and fairness in the streets worked is because it started from a place of honesty. It started from a you’re, the little guy, you, the slow guy, you’re the fast kid, you know what I mean? You were the fat kid and, and that was kind of how you divvied people up and you accordingly, we didn’t, we didn’t get together with our group of friends and go, no, no, no, we’re all the same. It’s okay. Don’t worry about it. All right. We, we were always brutal in some sense about people’s handicap and, and, and, and like you said, even though the honesty might’ve hurt their feelings or something like that, we all had a good time because we, we adjusted for it so that we all could have a good time.
1 (1h 23m 32s):
And that’s, what’s missing in society today.
2 (1h 23m 35s):
But what’s funny is everybody still did kind of fall into their position or a place everybody did somehow have some sort of value some way that they contributed. And it might’ve only been that their mom always had fresh cookies, or you could always, you go into their house and watching a movie, or if it was raining or, you know, their house was always open. There was always something that, that validated and made that person a valuable part of, of that group.
1 (1h 24m 4s):
No doubt about it. Yeah. You have to figure out a way to be valuable too. Right? You have to act like you have to figure out what your, where your value was. You, it, wasn’t this idea that you were a, we’re going to give you some value. We’re going to give you a cheque that gives you value, or we’re going to give you a job that gives you value, but right.
2 (1h 24m 24s):
And it could in sometimes a value was just some story of some stupid thing that, that one of you did write the year before the summer before. Right. And one of those could be, well, he’s the best at climbing the trees, or, you know, this guy is the fastest, whatever was, it meant nothing probably to anybody else, anywhere, but in your group, you had a value, you know, there was something that you could do that nobody else could do. And it could have been completely irrelevant two to the rest of life. Right. But amongst that group, you, you had value because, right, because you could contribute or because there was something special that you can do with all your ears.
1 (1h 25m 5s):
Yeah. That was one, right. I can raise one eyebrow. The, but that goes back to that social media comparison thing, you know, if you were an eight year old boy who can run fast, it’s like, okay, well on YouTube, there’s 20 people who can run faster than you, who are five years younger than, you know what I mean? It speaks to your point of I’m the fastest kid and the neighborhood. And my fishbowl is the neighborhood. And I’m good with that. I don’t, I’m good with that, you know, beyond that, who cares? Yeah. There’s, there’s something to that, that radical expansion, you know, a lot of it also has to do with the fact that we don’t stay put and you and I are both guilty of this one, but we don’t stay put around the families and around the neighborhoods in which we grew up.
1 (1h 25m 55s):
And you know, that, that, there’s, there’s a trust there. And I’m sure you know, it from growing up where you grew up, but there’s a trust there. And there’s a, a, I don’t know, there’s something invaluable in, in, in being closed to all your family, having neighbors that are generational and, and also being in an area that you’ve spent your whole life. So, you know, like, yeah, this is where we live. This is where it’s safe. This is where it’s not safe and all that kind of thing. You know, like, I don’t know, there’s value to that. You know, there’s no getting around it. I left my, my neighborhood. I never thought I would. I never thought I’d leave Pennsylvania, but I did.
1 (1h 26m 36s):
And, you know, probably for the better, to be honest, but there is something to that, that old neighborhood, you know.
2 (1h 26m 44s):
Yeah, for sure. I think it goes back to the roots of how we were, we were supposed to be a tribal like that. And like I said, you know, we can go back and you can think of, you know, tribes of native people in, and all these different lands, living as tribes or clans, or you can go all the way up until, you know, probably the, the late 18 hundreds where still, you know, you had your, your, your areas where different immigrants lived and that’s where they lived and stayed and where their money stayed and where they worked and the people that they hung out with and spent their time with. And there was a real, a community.
2 (1h 27m 26s):
There was a bond bond there that gave value to those people just because of where they were from and where they lived.
1 (1h 27m 36s):
So our kids are gonna have to battle joining the, either virtual reality community or some other version of online community that, that is going to be kind of, you know, what the club used to be to us or something like that. I mean, I think that is going to be a very serious decision that our children are going to have to make is the organic lifestyle or the electronic lifestyle. And, you know, that’s a weird one. It’s so it’s a weird one, but it’s probably the one that we should be preparing our kids for.
1 (1h 28m 16s):
You know, and I, I think the transition to the electronics lifestyle for some kids is going to be seamless. Yeah.
2 (1h 28m 24s):
Oh, it is. It is. Believe me. I saw it because when we lived there in Illinois on that too, and a half acres, there was every day, it was outside every day, it was climbing trees, playing and creeks outside, playing with, you know, chasing their chickens and wrestling goats and playing with their dogs and cats outside. And then we moved to the suburbs. It was, it was really interesting. It was unbelievable James, because it, you know, having grown up in the suburbs myself, you just, you know what it is. Right. And my kids were like completely out of their element when we got here
3 (1h 29m 8s):
And we did it or not
2 (1h 29m 11s):
The little things. Yeah. The little things like looking both ways before they cross a street, you know, those things that I learned when I was, you know, four and five or our ideas that never crossed their minds, things that they never thought about waiving to the neighbors as they drive by in the suburbs. You know, th th that’s fine, where we lived before, out in the country and rural area, everybody waved, not so much here in the middle of the suburbs. So there were just things like that, that they didn’t quite get, you know, the distance that you kind of keep from neighbors these days, where, where we were from, the neighbors were close, because in those rural communities, they still, most of them understand the need for one another, right?
2 (1h 29m 56s):
It doesn’t take much for you to get stuck in a situation where you need, need somebody to do something, to help you out. And we had some great neighbors there in Illinois that helped us out on numerous occasions, where they either had the equipment to help us out or were nice enough to spend the time to help us through, you know, whether it be cleaning up the yard or moving firewood or things like that, where they’re, there’s a different type of community. And then you move here and they didn’t quite know how to grasp that. And I remember when we first moved in and we have a little backyard here, and they told me that it’s like, dad, there’s not even enough room in the backyard to get running full speed.
3 (1h 30m 38s):
That’s awesome. That is awesome.
2 (1h 30m 41s):
And you’re thinking about it. And the more I started to ponder it, and, you know, when we first moved here or there was so much chaos and so much going on trying to find a new home and trying to, to find a job and get settled in and with work and get settled into a new home and get settled into a new area and where you’re doing your shopping and just so many different changes. And it was very easy when my kids would, would complain about the move and they didn’t like it. They hated taxes, this and that. It was easy for me to just brush that off for a time. And then finally it, you know, it, you know how it is, sometimes these things just go on and on and on, and they’re you’re kid, or your wife is saying these things to you and you did, they just kind of go over your head, right?
2 (1h 31m 29s):
Because you are so many other things in your mind. And then all of a sudden it hits you just squaring the job, like the upper cut. And you’re like, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Now I hear what they’re saying. And I had acknowledged them. I was like, you know what guys, you are, right. You guys made a lot of sacrifices in order to come here. You guys gave up a world that, that you love, you guys gave up animals that you loved and cared about, that you took care of every single day. You guys gave up so much. And I appreciate that. And I acknowledge that we’re moving on. We’re not going to complain. We’re not going to be victims, and we’re not gonna carry a bout that way.
2 (1h 32m 10s):
But I do realize, and wants you to know that I realize that you guys gave up a lot and we will see what the future brings at that time. We didn’t have it. Hadn’t even started looking for properties that will see what the future brings. But I just wanted to let you know that I see what you’re saying, and I understand why you guys will be frustrated and why this has been a difficult for you, but it wasn’t long after that, that they transitioned pretty easily into, as they call it being suburbs kids.
1 (1h 32m 42s):
Yeah. They’re highly adaptable, man. They’re highly adaptable. But I think that’s, I think that we won’t even see the challenges from things like drugs and alcohol from, from kids, young kids, you know, like our kids. I really do think that they’re going to be ate up with whatever’s coming next. I think something is coming. That is going to be, it’s going to be really hard to say no, too, you know, and I, it’s going to be weird. It may be the beginning of that fracture in society where cause like, you know, there’s an inevitable fracture in society coming where people decide to do well, frankly, to do organic life where electronic life, you know, the people who wanna, you wanna, you know, because we’re not going to have to reproduce organically for much longer.
1 (1h 33m 34s):
You know what I mean? So all of those things that we attribute to human life, there going to be all probably made to be disgusting and dirty. And you know, this new clean, electronic way of life is going to be touted as being better for better in every way. You know what I mean? And
2 (1h 33m 56s):
Yeah. And, and like, like the guy in the chat you mentioned earlier about, you know, apathy really goes back to being fear and that’s how they will continue to create this apathy is by creating a fear. Oh yeah. You know, you’re gonna get, you’re gonna get sick. You’re going to get dirty. You’re going to get Sam and Ella, you’re gonna get this. You’re gonna to get that. ’cause you didn’t buy that food and a factory and the dipped in bleach. Right. So, no, I, I agree. I just think that the best defense against that is to give your kids experience in the organic world.
2 (1h 34m 38s):
You’re right. Because there is in reality, there is no replacing it and you see what they’re trying to reproduce fake versions of so many things, right? I mean, social media is not really social whatsoever. It’s just, it’s counterfeit, right? It’s counterfeit, it’s as close as you possibly can end. It’s very, very hard for many people to differentiate between real friendships and social media. But you really have to think about it in order to realize what it is and the dangers of it.
2 (1h 35m 20s):
So I think that the more that you can get your kids involved in raising animals or gardening or fishing or hunting or those things that are really man, they are primal, they are in our DNA. They are a part of what life has been since the very beginning, the more involved you can get your kids into that and to let them see what they’re able to produce and what they are able to accomplish working with with nature. I think the, the better luck that you will have and keeping your kids going in the right direction,
1 (1h 36m 2s):
You’re on a percent right there. That is the outdoors is the only thing that I’ve, that I’ve seen overtake the electronics is the only thing that I’ve seen consistently. If we go out, if we take friends out to the river, do we, even if we’re not fishing, even if we just literally go in and swim in the river and play in the rocks and play on the muddy, bank’s, you know what I mean? Yeah. It is. You see the wires, you know, the wires touch the wires of however many tens of thousands of years. I mean, you could argue 2 million years of running around in the woods and then the water’s you see those wires connect and it’s like, Whoa, everybody’s got this.
1 (1h 36m 54s):
Every kid has got this.
2 (1h 36m 57s):
And that that’s often comes to me is we’re sitting down there by, by the river that we go to and the kids are playing and you know, a lot of times there’ll be looking in the rocks and looking for exits and, and I’ll ask them and be like, do you think Comanche kids, you think of the Comanche children were down here on this river, sorting through the rocks and looking for pretty stones and stuff. And my kids will be like, yeah, yeah, probably I should. Do you think there’s a price on pioneer kids, you know, down here in Texas, keep an eye look out on the horizon for command, but we’re down here playing and cooling off the summer heat and looking at the sorting through the same stones that you are.
2 (1h 37m 38s):
And when you kind of come to that reality and that, that cool, the beauty of, Hey, we’re doing the same things that people did for thousands and thousands and thousands of years in exactly the same places that people did, these things for thousands of years, that that kind of gives you a real grounding into what you’re doing. And I think,
1 (1h 38m 1s):
Yeah, I think it’s vital. It’s real. I think it’s vital. You know, I didn’t realize it because of the type of person that I am and what I grew up doing, but I just finished writing an article, the article for a Virginia wildlife magazine. And it was all about that. It was all about what do you do with your kid at the river? You know what I mean? Because for me, it’s a no brainer, but for lots of parents and I guess even readers of this magazine, they’re looking for those things, you know how to engage the kids out there in the wild. And one of the, one of the most important conclusions that I came to while thinking about and writing that article was that parents have to get at first, you know, so parents have to overcome their fear of nature before they can expect kids to go outside and play in the woods and in the creeks and in the lakes and in the rivers and stuff like that.
1 (1h 38m 58s):
You know, I don’t, I don’t Harbor any of that fear of snakes and drowning and swimming and rivers and stuff like that. But I never, until I wrote that article considered God, how many parents, my age grew up on the Nintendo and they never went to the river. They didn’t spend their whole life fishing and waiting and creeks and walking against current and, you know, developing all of these things that are kind of scary. But once you do them every weekend, you’re not scared of them anymore at all. And I think that that fear keeps a lot of kids out of the wild, because I think there’s a bunch of households and a bunch of parents who look at the woods in the wild lands is as dangerous.
1 (1h 39m 41s):
You know, it’s like, Oh no, no, you can’t go, go swim in the river. I mean, you’re going to get taken by the current and we’re going to drown or, you know what I mean? You gotta get, you know, or that right. Or some crazy to me. I mean, I’ve been waiting in water for, so I’ve been waiting in snip, terrible rivers before, or never, you know, open wounds in my legs, all that stuff. I’d look down at that, Oh God, I probably shouldn’t be in the water with this wound in my legs. Like this never got an infection. Once, you know,
2 (1h 40m 10s):
You get Giardia and die,
1 (1h 40m 13s):
Man. I’ve drank water straight out of, I mean, places with a warning signs, don’t drink the water up in the mountains. There is some streams a certain times a year is don’t drink the water or you should filter it. It’s just, you know,
2 (1h 40m 28s):
What’s interesting too is, you know, there’s a real fear of letting your children out to explore and to climb trees or create and, and to get out of eyesight. And there’s been some interesting studies done on, on kids and climbing trees and the kids that have climbed trees since they were very young, very rarely fall out of trees. Very rarely get hurt climbing trees because kids naturally only climb as high as they feel comfortable. And then they’ll back down. And then the next time they might a little bit higher, but they tend to be very balanced in how far they push themselves to within their comfort zone.
2 (1h 41m 18s):
Where if you don’t let your young child climb trees and they don’t start climbing trees till they’re nine, 10, 11, or something like that. And that’s the first time they climb a tree. A lot of times they’ll climb beyond their ability. And that’s when you start to run into a lot more accidents, broken arms, broken legs, kids getting hurt, falling out of trees. And I’m sure it’s the same with a lot of other equipment and in parks and a lot of other activities. So from the younger age, it’s very important to let them get out there and experience, experience things and fall down and get back up and splash around and, you know, learn about themselves and their abilities as much as you learned about the outdoors.
1 (1h 42m 4s):
Yeah. It’s a beautiful thing. It’s a shame to see people so wash in the, in the depression of it all, you know, one of the things I’ve been meaning to do, and I got to get it done, but one of the things I’ve been meaning to do is to give my real breakdown of the year 2020 ’cause I, you know, the, the, the line is that 2020 has been this horrendous and terrible year and we never want another 2020 again. But, you know, personally it’s been an amazing year for me.
2 (1h 42m 41s):
Why don’t you don’t you almost, it’s almost like they want you to feel guilty for saying that. Right.
1 (1h 42m 48s):
I mean, but I was thinking about this the other day, cause I wasn’t seeing through The through the bullshit of it all. You know, I was the only real thing that was terrible for me is I, I didn’t get up North as much as I usually do. But outside of that, I mean, I started all kinds of new things. I mean, we, we launched disaster coffee in December that could have been a total wash because of the type of the year we had, that’s been a great success and just a ton of things that happened this year that were all great. But literally even a person like me can be easily manipulated to, to wake up each day and say, man, this 2020 was hell I sure hope I don’t have another year like this in 2021.
1 (1h 43m 33s):
And that’s what actually brought me to the point of it because I started thinking about that statement. I sure hope I don’t have another year, like 20, 20. And then I started thinking, wait, I mean, I want my kids to go back to my, my oldest son to go back to school. That’s something I wouldn’t like to see in 2021. But most of the things I would love to have happen again, that have happened personally, you know? And it’s just weird. I don’t know if you feel that way Joe or not, but it’s been, it’s been a pretty damn good year on the personal level.
2 (1h 44m 6s):
Yeah, no, I feel the same way. And I almost feel like people want you to feel guilty for feeling that way. My wife had posted something on Instagram of, you know, one word use one word to describe 2020, and everybody had negative things. And my, the word I used was exciting. I mean, you want to talk about an opportunity to get away from the boring drudgery of what life can easily become. But I mean, we bought a piece of property this year. I switched jobs at the very beginning of, of this whole pandemic thing, God, into a position where, I mean, you never know how things are going to unfold, but when I got the job anyway, it was probably a, a really a dream job or something I had really tried to line myself up for, for, you know, an extended period of time.
2 (1h 45m 2s):
So I think a lot of it just had to do with blame. And in order to succeed, you gotta be willing to take risks. And just like you did with disaster coffee, even if you’re the only risk you’re taking as the risk of looking like a failure or failing in something, a lot of people are not willing to take any sort of risks. And fear is a huge part of that.
1 (1h 45m 28s):
That’s a good point because a lot of the, not all, not all of it, but some pieces of what made this year so great were completely risk oriented. You know, we took an impromptu trip to Florida to go to Lego land. Cause my kids have been asking about it and my wife had been watching it all. ’cause, you know, that’s just our mindset we did with the pandemic. We were never really shut down by fear when it came to this thing. So she had been watching these plane tickets go down, down, down park tickets, go down.
1 (1h 46m 8s):
And we wound up flying into Florida at a time where, you know, it was a, it was, it was like a death sentence to go there. I don’t know if you remember that. And I think it was in June where Florida had so many cases of COVID-19 and they were considering shutting down the state and they weren’t allowing, you know, there was a, it was at this really weird point where it was like, it was almost like, what is the last thing you would do right now? And the average person would say go to Florida for anything. And I remember my wife coming to me and saying, you know, like the tickets round trip or the, or were like 35 bucks one way or something like that, 70 bucks around, I don’t remember.
1 (1h 46m 53s):
It was just a incredible deal. And you know, we took that risk and, and it was just a great, you know, it was an incredible time and actually it wasn’t a great time. ’cause the parks were empty. There were no lines at all. And we just had a ball, you know, we were in the wind for like two or three days or something. And it speaks to that idea of a, well, it speaks to two of, two of your core tenants. Joe Prim and one is the risk. And the other is I lost my train of thought one is the risk and what is the other one let’s get into late.
1 (1h 47m 38s):
Let’s get right on that. That’s a sin to drop that. It’ll come back to me. Yeah.
2 (1h 47m 49s):
Yeah. W going back to your thoughts just on risk, right there is I don’t, without taking risks, you, you put yourself in a position to never gain confidence in yourself or in your abilities or, or what your family can do. And number two, I mean, especially when you’re doing something like that with your family.
1 (1h 48m 10s):
Oh, it was fear. It was fear. I’m sorry. I had to get that out because it’s a bit, and I knew it was a big part of you and it just totally flew out of my mind probably because it’s getting so late, but yeah. Fear and risk and you know, the benefits of managing them properly. But anyway, go on. I’m sorry.
2 (1h 48m 29s):
Yeah, no doubt. But at the same time, you know, that the lesson of what you showed your family of, of not letting that fear and of taking that, you know, what society and so many people, I’m sure that, you know, considered a huge risk to go do something that you guys will be talking about for the years and years and years and years about how you guys went to Lego land. And nobody was there because everybody was so fearful, but you guys had one heck of a time. And the whole time you were there, you guys are laughing and laughing your heads off about the fact that no one else will even go there and you got the park yourself. You know what I mean, with goals or the things that you do in your life, where there’s real reward there, because you had the guts to take a risk and you know, and I’m sure had, had you Wade, the way the possibilities and you had weighed them out is to be too big of a risk.
2 (1h 49m 23s):
Of course you don’t go. But you know, it’s something you guys thought about and talked about and, and looked at and T you, you didn’t feel it was a risk. So you’ve gotta, you gotta live life, man. You got to live life. We’re only have so much time here on this planet. We’re only have so much time here in that. If you are going to hold off for a whole year, hoping, and, and minimizing your impact and what you’re doing, because you are fearful of a sickness, then, then you stop living life. And, you know, a perfect example just to, to compare and contrast is my in-laws versus versus my parents.
2 (1h 50m 12s):
My parents have flown on airplanes. It traveled around back to, into Texas to visit us here, back to Tennessee, where they were living, sold their house, flew back again to the taxes. Cause they’re moving here, bought a new home here. And that’s being built here in, in Texas, all during this pandemic where my in-laws, even though they only live five minutes away from my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and their grandchildren have only seen them once during this whole time of pandemic, I’ve only seen their grandchildren once outside in the yard masks on a lawn chair, six feet apart.
2 (1h 50m 52s):
And it’s sad because that fear is real dabs. That’s that’s is real as anything else that fear, if it’s enough for you to keep you away from your grandchildren, then that’s a real fear, but you look at it and you go, you missed out on a whole year now of life. You missed out on a whole year of growth and development in seeing people that you loved out of fear. I would rather not live that way. Like I said, I have not skipped a beat. I have not missed a day of work. Even when nobody really knew what was going on and how serious this thing was going to be.
2 (1h 51m 37s):
I was still going to work every day. I was using a whole lot of hands, sand, and you know, you were a little sketchy. You weren’t sure what was going on. And in the very beginning, there was a lot of, a lot of questions. Yeah. But that was the call was, Hey, we’re going to continue working. We’re going to go to work. So you, you kind of watch what you’re doing. You, you keep your space, but then as time has gone, gone on and you’re going to work every day, you start to realize the reality is, look, there are some people that are gonna get sick from this is a very, very, very, very, very, very, very few people that are going to die from this. There are some people that are going to get sick and be sick for a short amount of time.
2 (1h 52m 20s):
And there is some people that are going to apparently be sick from this pandemic. And not even though they’re sick. If I got to live through a pandemic in my lifetime, this is the one I wanted to live through.
1 (1h 52m 31s):
Sure. No, you hit the nail on the head with that one. Yeah. We went, we did a, you know, another thing that we did a PBN, which was interesting was, and nobody, Nope. None of our fans got on us about it, which I really, and nobody really, nobody really brought it up much. But in January and February, we were sounding all the alarms. You know, one of our F a Friday night host Dave Jones. I mean, he was, he has great stories. Now they’re hilarious stories about going in to buy liquor from the liquor store, all just totally encapsulated in an encased in biological hazard gear, you know, a long, long before a mask mandate, but he’s a 25 year veteran or the army who’s taught biological and chemical warfare.
1 (1h 53m 27s):
Yeah. You know, but, but our stance early on was, you know, take it slow. Let’s figure this thing out. I don’t know what it is. I don’t know what it could do, but we’re, we’re, we’re basic. We basically sent out a message to most listeners to hunker down and then to watch, you know, it was just rational really to watch the information, come out and hear our stance change from week to week and, and eventually be in a one 80 position, you know? And, and usually when you do that kind of thing, you get criticized for it. But thankfully we didn’t get criticized for it at all. We just kind of followed rational lines of thought and listened to what was happening on the ground floor, who is getting sick, who was, and how they were treating it.
1 (1h 54m 13s):
And all of a sudden it got real comfortable and it was like, you know, this thing is what it is. You know, there’s ways out, especially if you’re like me, you know what I mean? And you young and healthy and it’s, you know, it is what it is, but I like what you said. If we had to live through a pandemic in our lifetime, I’m glad it was this one. Right. You could have been a hell of a lot worse. So where do we send people? Joe Prim I think we’re coming to the end of this thing. Prepare Defend is the website. What else do you want to tell people about?
2 (1h 54m 50s):
Yeah, that would go check out Prepare Defend and there, you can find a link to listen to the podcast on speaker. You can download the episodes from there, check it out. You can even, I think right there from that page on speaker checkout ever vigilant, if you want to check out at the last few episodes of that podcast is I want, as I wound that down and yeah, I’m selling coffee as well now. And I have t-shirts on there that I’m selling to keep the podcast moving, to keep the mission moving forward. I got a lot of plans and a lot of things I want to do is a build a, build a group of people, capable of pushing forward an agenda and idea, or a movement here with Prepare Defend Lead to, to teach and to Lead and to do them with, with rapport, by meeting people where they’re at versus telling people that they’re wrong.
2 (1h 56m 5s):
And I think that that would be a much better way to build these communities, to get people, to understand what we believe and why we believe it. And that that’s what I really want to do with, with this podcast. So you can go to Prepare Defend and you can, like I said, download the podcast from there, check out the goods in the store. And I believe there, if it’s your first time visiting the website, there should be a pop-up for the book I’m working on right now, open, which is a work in progress. But if you get on to the mailing list from there, I will send you a free digital copy of that book before I release it on Kindle.
2 (1h 56m 54s):
All right. Joe Prim thanks so much for joining us to know you’re on the, I am Liberty show, we just knocked out two hours. Probably could have done another hour if we had to, but yeah, folks, I think we’re going to call it. I think we’re going to call it tonight for the I AM Liberty show to yourself a favor and go to Prepare Defend and get to know Joe. Prim alright. We’ll talk soon. Thanks, James. Really appreciate it. Great conversation.
4 (1h 57m 24s):
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