Preparing Kids

Preparing Kids

October 6, 2016 I Am Liberty Kids Preparedness Preppers 0

Preparing Kids
James Walton “I Am Liberty” Listen to this show in player below!

Preparing KidsSo the immediate questions becomes how far into the abyss do you pull a child when it comes to teaching them preparedness? The other big question is: In our world today do they not have the right to be informed about what is happening around them?

I was picked apart on this topic before when posting on a prepper blog some years ago. It”s a sensitive topic and I understand why. It’s also a topic that must be discussed. I have a great example I would like to share with you on how small things can be missed if you are not analyzing what information your kids need to know and what you should be doing to keep them in the know.

Of course this doesn’t mean we are Preparing Kidsgoing to sit down every morning and read the drudge report together. There are limitations to what our children can and should absorb. There is information that I will I never read as an adult and we do not want to put that horror in our kids. Unfortunately those horror stories are what keep us motivated to prep and to become strong and to be ready. That’s a fact.

6-5-15-smilebox_6850635So what are ways that we can keep our kids minds in the world of preparedness without traumatizing them with our twisted reality? I have come up with some really solid answers for young kids and how they can really learn and develop their intelligence and their skill sets using games, toys and the outdoors. Yes. Its very possible without ever talking about an EMP blast to make our kids fully prepared for a disaster.

There are very shocking realizations one has when they become a parent. One of the biggest is that this little bundle of poop and soft skin is completely and totally vulnerable. This vulnerability is going to follow them for many years. Whats even worse is the day you realize you must leave them in the care of others.

Its so important that we instill in our children an understanding of what to do in case of emergencies. This can be done through simple activities that don’t have to scare them to death. It can be done through bringing them into the kitchen with you and cooking with them. This can be done with them by seeking out great materials designed for children to learn just these things.
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