Bugging out with Kids!

Bugging out with Kids!

May 2, 2017 Kids Preparedness Survival Tech Preps 0

Bugging out with Kids!
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps“ Audio in player below!

Bugging out with Kids!The ole question is, how do we bug out with kids? This is as topic that can put a crimp in many people’s preps, however we have to preserve the next generation as best we can. Imagine if you will the loud kids with you bugging out, sounds crazy huh? Well it is the reality of the situation. What kind of situations will we run into? Depending on age it can be a struggle, some kids might not be able to help you as much as we need and could be a burden we have to find our solutions.

Like it or not some things may happen in this world and a child will have struggles the same as us. We cannot always give them the comfortable life as they are accustom to. I think the biggest obstacle we may run into is feeding them, some kids require a lot of attention in this area. Some children may find it hard adjusting to eating preps, many love their normal stuff of everyday America.

A few other things may arise in this area such as care, depending on the age you might need diapers, medicine, clothing (some kids grow out of stuff fast). The need for constant clothing will be an issue. We do not generally think about this in today’s world when we can go to the department stores and get what we need.

The need to have a child do some unthinkable things may also come up. We make it our lives mission to cover their eyes to societal ways, and in some cases we may no longer be able to protect them from all they will see. I often think about what this could do to a child developing, well what do you think? Share what you think in the chat and enjoy the show!
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