Top Prepper Gadget Christmas Gifts

Top Prepper Gadget Christmas Gifts

November 22, 2016 Holidays Preppers Purchasing Survival Items Tech Preps Technology 0

Top Prepper Gadget Christmas Gifts
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Audio in player below!

Top Prepper Gadget Christmas GiftsAre you a technology nut like me? If so this is the show for you! I will be giving the best list of pepper type gadgets that would make the perfect gifts. These are gifts for those like minded individuals that are into prepping or thinking about it. Those gadgets can range from technology based to just modern tools that can serve to aid or save your life.

11-21-16-downloadI have always been into technology and modernized tools, but the old ones as well, so I bring a unique perspective to the field of prepping. Most preppers have one or two modes, they want to go primitive or modern, and I like both. If we can why not? There are some very cool gadgets out there that you might not have even heard of, they may or may not have been spoken of in previous shows. We have gotten so reliable on technology that some say we should abandon it and go primitive. I say prepare for both, use technology as long as you can and prepare for the loss of it as well.

11-21-16-27prepper_span-articlelarge-v2So this show will try to give you an edge on high tech and low tech gadgets that will provide you with both choices. As a prepper we should be diverse in this area. How many times have you been out and about when technology has failed you? I do not think we keep track, I know I do not. Technology can be frustrating there is no doubt. Sometimes it does not work the way it is supposed to and you want to smash it into little pieces, I have been there many times. But we have to look at the advantages it can give us on those that choose to go only primitive.

Hopefully we can answer these questions and give you some idea of what would make decent gifts for fellow preppers, as always enjoy the show!
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