Spiritual Survival

Spiritual Survival

November 15, 2018 Holidays Preparedness Prepper Mentality 0

Spiritual Survival
James Walton “I Am Liberty ” Audio player below!

Spiritual SurvivalIn the coming weeks the world will draw closer to God, as a whole, than any other time of the year. It is a magical time for many reasons but this, above all, is what makes it so incredible. Think to yourself, you to probably get a little closer to got this time of year. Even for a person who can be cynical and pay very little attention to God and religion, its hard not to draw closer this time of the year.

What do we need in this nation? We thought we needed a benevolent, hip leader like Barack Obama, but we found ourselves more divided after his reign. Then we thought we should switch to the opposite and get a strong, loud and angry leader like Donald Trump. We are still shooting and shouting at one another.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Spiritual Survival” in this player!

Many nights I lay awake and ask God for the voice and the message that this country needs. I wake up the next day, blessed, with a ton of strength to do the things I need to do but the voice and the message still eludes me.

Many problems can be solved through hard work and determination. The more I watch this nation unravel the more I believe this problem cannot be solved with those two elements alone.

This week we are going to have our good friend Steven Menking on the show to speak to the topic of spiritual survival. We face lots of challenges throughout the holiday season and having the courage and will to sit down and speak with God, read the bible and talk to others about God is one such challenge.

I am very excited about this week’s show. Steven always takes me into deep waters spiritually and I have to struggled to keep my head up. Hopefully you walk away from this show challenged.

Only God and the message of Jesus can help us to heal as a nation. It comes down to faith and truth, That’s my prescription.

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