Grid Down Figgy Pudding

Grid Down Figgy Pudding

December 23, 2017 Brewing Holidays Preserving 0

Grid Down Figgy Pudding
Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below!

Grid Down Figgy PuddingIn this show we will be getting completely smashed with holiday cheer…well I might be anyway.

Almost everyone loves alcohol in some form or fashion. Food preservation generally evokes visions of pickles, jellies, canning, dehydrating, dried garlic strung on a decorative braid, or even fruits and vegetables preserved in oils. Did you know that fruits and vegetables can also be preserved

in alcohol – spirits such as vodka, cognac, brandy or even wine? It’s true. Not only does the alcohol preserve the produce, but the flavors meld and can create an entirely new taste sensation.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Grid Down Figgy Pudding” in this player!

Consider all the flavors you can put in brandy or schnapps. Any of those flavors could then be used in preserving foods: cinnamon, vanilla, cherry, apple, peach, etc. Alcohol is a great preservative and for a lot of organics it would probably be better than an acid like vinegar. High proof ethanol can even preclude the need to heat the items before they are stored. Maraschino cherries in vodka come to mind: aka cherry bombs.

Booze infused fruits is not a new idea. They have been around since the dark ages and a great example is Rumtopf. Most recipes start early in the season with fruits and by the holidays you have a REALLY NICE fruity dessert. There are many ways to combine alcohol and fruit, but the basic idea is to simply mix fruit and sugar with enough hard spirit to keep the fruit well soused, and let it sit. During the Yule Tide season you can pour off the liquid and sip as a cordial or you can spoon the fruit over ice cream, cake, or as a desert by itself. Apart from putting things in the freezer, using alcohol is about the simplest preserving method there is.

Curious about what booze infused creations I’m going to discuss? Then join us for this  Christmas show as we enjoy a little holiday cheer…in liquid form.

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