Goals & resolutions a better way!

Goals & resolutions a better way!

January 1, 2017 APN Report Holidays Mind Set Prepper Mentality Preppers 0

Goals & resolutions a better way!
Bob Hopkins “APN Report” Audio in player below!

Goals & resolutions a better wayNew Years is upon us! For some, it’s party time, bidding goodbye to one year & ushering in a new. And for others, it’s when we set resolutions for ourselves, and steadfastly try to stick to them… at least until the temptation becomes too great. And that’s what this show is all about.

One of the most fragile things is a New Years Resolution. So often it’s an unplanned oath that gets swept aside by reality. Successfully holding to one, made in the moment, is practically doomed to fail.
But what if, instead of a list of resolutions to try to adhere to, you had a daily path of success you could follow? 52 weeks of advice & guidelines to focus on that breaks the mountains you seek to climb into easily surmountable mohills? Sounds like it’s a more practical way of doing things, I think.

And so does my guest this week. Bestselling Author & Columnist Rhett Power.

RHETT POWER is co founder of the toy company Wild Creations, named one of Inc. Magazine’s Fastest-Growing U.S. Companies. A member of the United States Department of State’s International Speakers Program, Power travels the globe speaking about entrepreneurship, leadership, and management. He has written for the Huffington Post, Business Insider, Time, and the Wall Street Journal.

We’ll be discussing how better to set goals & resolutions, drawing from Rhett’s experience as a business entrepreneur. If you have a budding business idea, a brain-storm way to make a fortune, or just need to figure out how to stay motivated, you can’t pass up this weeks show.
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