Frugal Summer Fun!

Frugal Summer Fun!

June 16, 2015 Family Lil' Suburban Homestead 0

Frugal Summer Fun
Karen Lynn “Lil’ Suburban Homestead

KarenLynn Survival Mom Biophoto-100 Summer FunThis week Karen Lynn joins you to share about Frugal Summer Fun and how her and the Viking celebrate good times in the summer, parties, ho-downs, camping, dealing with being on call and more! She takes you through some of her favorite recipes, summer fun ideas with children and so much more!

Just because you are on a budget doesn’t mean you can’t have a great time and even feel better about NOT spending extra money unnecessarily. Karen Lynn will share about what’s going on at her Lil’ Suburban Homestead, her Lineman son’s graduation homestead, how they celebrate the 4th of July and how entertaining doesn’t need to be intimidating.

6-16-15 fsf2Summer Fun fsf3Her philosophy is to take time to break bread with family and friends and welcome them into your humble abode no matter your budget or goal it can be done!

Summer Fun fsf1So join in on the show maybe get an idea or two for your net family reunion or graduation party or just check in and here how things are going as Karen Lynn heads into the empty nest. Whether you are new to the show or have been listening since the beginning there is something for everyone!

Summer is after all breezes, fireflies, and a great time to spend with family and friends!
Visit Lil’ Subusban Homestead HERE!

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