Desperate times for Preppers?
“The Disturbance in the Force” Join Prepping With GoatHollow this Wed at 8pm Central time, for a discussion on becoming desperate. As “Preppers”, we seem to be getting more and more worried about the way things are going. It seems like time is getting shorter, and it’s as if you can feel it in the air! How can we manage this feeling of a “Disturbance in the Force”, not letting our emotions overload our actions, and keep our minds on our prepping goals? Everyday it seems as if we’re finding indications all around us that our society is crumbling at it’s very foundations! Let’s talk about how we can fight off that feeling of dread, keep on prepping, and prevent fear from beating us into a quivering blob in the corner of the room!!! Listen to this show in player below!
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Desperate times Disturbance dread emotions fear Preppers Prepping With GoatHollow society