Community Intelligence

Community Intelligence

January 8, 2016 I Am Liberty Preparedness Preppers Survival 0

Community Intelligence
James Walton “I Am Liberty

Community IntelligenceThere are a lot of great prepper titles out there be it movies or books. Stories that take remind us why self reliance is so important, that inspire us to do even better and work harder and for that inspiration we must be grateful. That being said its from these sources that the majority of us decide what it is we are going to prepare for. Much of our decision to prepare for certain things be it martial law, epidemics, solar flare, super volcano come from whichever scenario touches a raw nerve with us. How many people do you know that have done some serious research into what threats are particular to your area. More importantly what are the threats that we don’t know because of our lack of community/intelligence.

I read a great article that spoke on this very issue. I was enlightened and excited about the idea of sort of taking our moderate hysteria and adding some good data to it to make our efforts the most effective. So I got in contact with the author Samuel Culper a former military and contract intelligence analyst, a combat veteran, a prepper and proud resident of the American Redoubt. He is also the man behind the website and the Forward Observer. He will join us tonight to talk about community intelligence and the importance of knowing what your up against and what your not.Community Intelligence

In light of Oregon and most recent attacks on our access to guns in this country I think its more important than ever to spend some time understanding and upgrading our abilities. Especially with the technology that is available to us all. I know its nearly treasonous to say but we are dealing with a government that is bent on getting its way regardless of the people’s will. As frightening as this is its exciting to know we have a resource like same to come on the show and talk to us. His site says it best “Making Patriots More Dangerous to Tyranny Since 2011.”
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