Bugging Out Realistically

Bugging Out Realistically

March 8, 2014 Bug Out Bag Disaster Emergency Planning Preppers The Prepared Canadian 0

Bugging Out Realistically
Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian”

Bugging OutHow many times have you looked into gearing up your bug out bag? Have you ever planned on escaping the Mad Max type scenario by living off the land somewhere in the middle of nowhere? Do you have the feeling that a complete societal collapse is looming just around the corner? If so, then this is just the show for you. No, I’m not going all doom and gloom this week, but rather I plan on dealing with a big dose of reality.

Bugging Out Bug Out BagWhat do you really need in a bug out kit and just what scenarios are likely to occur that trigger a bug out situation? Do you really need 7 ways to start a fire or your compass and topographical maps? Many preppers and survivalists have been touting the same impending end of society for the last 40 years or so, yet what many fail to realize is that the collapse is already in full swing…it’s just not happening over night. So while society takes the slow road to doom, let’s prepare for the kinds of emergencies and disasters that happen every day all over the world.

Bugging Out rail fireThis week on The Prepared Canadian, I will talk about a few emergencies that could happen to any of us, highlighting two situations in particular that I saw happen with my own two eyes. Would a survival knife, or fire flint have helped either of them…heck no! However, there are lots of items to consider when setting up a bug out plan for very real possibilities, and I’ll go through them one by one.
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