Blank page in prepping?

Blank page in prepping?

October 14, 2015 Mind Set Prepper Mentality Preppers Surviving Dystopia 0

Blank page in prepping?
D.J.Cooper “Surviving Dystopia

Blank page Brain-dead-homer-simpson-300x336I sat down tonight after a long week and a long drive to Louisville getting in the night before so I could be up and chipper first thing in the morning for the NPS expo. Suddenly, I get the message asking about where this very article is. Darn it!!! I knew I forgot to do something, so I sit talking to my mother and say, “And here I sit staring down a blank page.” After last week’s show about focus, I sit staring at this blank page feeling like a flibberty gibbet for not having any clue what I might like us to talk about.

Blank page idea_great1It hits me like a brick “What’s the best part about staring down a blank page?” It’s a blank page, I can do anything I wish. But NO, I didn’t just want to talk about this blank page. I wanted to revisit the focus topic and talk about our blank pages in prepping.

Being here and looking forward to going to the National Preppers and Survivalists Expo got me thinking. Where do we get our ideas and inspirations? Well, from others, books, gadgets and dodads. We go out and meet others who think like we do so we can share ideas and put things we learned onto our blank pages.

When we first decided to get a chicken, most of us did not grow up with them we were a blank page on chickens and had to start adding things to our repertoire and add chicken raising to the page.

So what’s the best part?

7-14-15 419cQUmab-L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Being a writer, I have to admit I find myself staring at a blank page looking for inspiration often. Sometimes it just eludes me and toss my arms up in complete frustration and go to bed, but other times entire concepts and stories come to me and I feverishly start typing.

So, “Yea, Ok.” You say, “Get on with it, what’s the best part?”
Join me in chat on Prepper Broadcasting and call in to add your two cents.

Up Next Week: When those around you can’t understand your need to prepare.

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