Alternative choices, Getting out of the box!

Alternative choices, Getting out of the box!

February 9, 2014 Mind Set Prepper Mentality Preppers The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

Alternative choices, Getting out of the box!
Host: Lynna “A Preppers Path”

AlternativeThere is always a choice in fact making choices is life, here’s the question “Are you choosing what’s best for you or going along with the crowd?” Because after all everyone else is doing it so it must be the thing to do. Seriously take a moment and review your own choices, why do you use the laundry detergent you use, what medicines you take, the food you eat or who you voted for. Take for instance the presidential election, how many really made a conscious decision or went with the overall flow with no real thought or choice made. Now if you are a prepper, you know someone who likes to be prepared in life, you at a minimum understand choice, after all being prepared in life is hardly a mainstream choice, at least not yet. But you weighed the facts, the pros and the cons and chose to live a different lifestyle than today’s norm.

AlternativeIn some ways today’s world is much more tolerant of different and in others much less, this plays a huge role for some in the choices they make. Often worldly intolerance results in a choice that is not best for us collectively or independently. There is a second question those who have taken the choice to prepare really must answer, are the choices we’ve made or are going to make not only based on what others are doing or because it’s easier. Today’s fast paced technology based world makes living easier every day. Making something easier and sometimes more efficient is often the reason for the invention. Let’s face it our lives today are much easier than our forefathers and mothers were.

Soap making 51PyiHkHgFLToday you need laundry soap you pop over to the all night grocery and buy a box or a bottle, seems easy enough, but have you thought about the real cost of this box or bottle. What about if the store shelves are empty can you make detergent? This of course is just an example but here’s another it’s cold and flu season have you checked the price of cold remedies lately? How about picking some free elderberries and making a tincture a known preventative when it comes to colds and flu. The point is there are many many alternative choices we can make with fantastic result. It’s time to get out of the box and become aware join the Other Side of a Preppers Path as we travel the road of alternative choice.

For live broadcast on Alternative choices, Getting out of the box go to Listen & Chat tonight 9:00pm/Est. 8:00pm/Ct. 6:00pm/Pt.

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