Aj’s Prep Talk with Mr. Ndcouey from youtube!
Tonight’s show, Aj’s Prep Talk we talked with another seasoned prepper. Mr. Ndcouey from youtube he has been sharing his knowledge with us for over two years. Doing everything from shooting weapons, knives, bug out vehicles, canning, dehydrating, making tinctures and just plain having fun. He has given back to his community and encouraged others to do the same. We talked about his ideas and thoughts on prepping, and ask for his advice for others. We talked about his experience at prepperstock and heard what it’s like to meet other great prepping friends. As a prepper, husband, father and avid dog lover with an all-around fun attitude… you won’t want to miss this show in player below!
Listen to all our hosts and their archived shows. Go to Show Schedule at top of page.
Aj's Prep Talk bug out vehicles Canning dehydrating knives making tinctures Mr. Ndcouey Prepping shooting weapons