A Young Gun’s Perspective on Preparedness!

A Young Gun’s Perspective on Preparedness!

September 23, 2015 Kids Newbies Preparedness Preppers 0

A Young Gun’s Perspective on Preparedness!
D J Cooper “Surviving Dystopia

Perspective downloadThis week DJ Cooper has a surprise special guest Chase Dowling.  Chase is a youngun’ at just 21 years old but wise beyond his years.  A correctional officer and prepper, Chase brings a unique perspective on the view of preparedness from the perspective of the youth.

In a technological age such as this, many of the youth of today are attached to their devices, internet and gadgets.  Many don’t even know how to cook with all the fast food available on every corner.  And the very thought of splitting wood or canning food is so alien to them Perspective people-on-their-phonesthey cant even discribe what it is without looking it up on the internet.

I know there are many out there that are indeed in the preparedness know and would like to spotlight them this week!

Also on the agenda is some chatter about the things considered from the perspective of correctional system if something were to happen. How might it be affected in a disaster situation? How might it affect us?

Finding ways we can interest the younger generations with goals to becoming more prepared. .

Yes you know me by now and a good quote never escapes me so…

“We live in an age when to be young and to be indifferent can be no longer synonymous. We must prepare for the coming hour. The claims of the Future are represented by suffering millions; and the Youth of a Nation are the trustees of Posterity. “

~Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) British politician and author.

Join DJ “Dee” Cooper and Chase Dowling in this discussion, Put your feet up Grab a Cuppa’ something and give a listen.  Stop by join them in the chat room either that or just to mix it up a bit, talk live by calling into the show and ask that question you have been itching to have answered…

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