A new American dream, through the eyes of a Canadian.

A new American dream, through the eyes of a Canadian.

October 29, 2016 Interview Preparedness Prepper Mentality Preppers 0
A new American dream: A look at one couple’s off-grid lifestyle in the American Redoubt

Hoping for the best and preparing for the worst in the woods of Idaho

A new American dream, through the eyes of a CanadianThe above title is too an article that was just recently released by the C.B.C.. Recently my very own special woman and I had the privilege of being interviewed on C.B.C., the Canadian Broadcasting Company.

When first contacted about the interview I was skeptical. We all know how main stream media in the United States like to portray preppers so I contacted a very good friend also from Canada for advice. Should I take the interview I asked? Yes, Canada and the CBC are not like mainstream media is in the U.S. I was told they have to remain neutral.

Still a little skeptical

glen1I wrote back to Erin Collins the senior reporter for CBC and he confirmed what I was told. Unlike other reporters I’ve spoken to in the past Erin made me feel comfortable, I believed him and I accepted the interview. I found Erin Collins to be a man of his word. I can easily understand why he is the CBC senior reporter.

Originally I was told that the interview would consist of half a dozen people from the North West including myself. As it turned out there was more than one article and I was not included in the original. Instead, I was featured alongside of my fiancé Jean. There is also a radio interview we were both a part of. I am very proud of Prepper Broadcasting, of Jean, and being known as a prepper.

Follow the links to read both articles, listen to the audio and let me know what you think. Remember Erin Collins, the senior reporter? He told me there is more to come in the next few days. I will keep you posted as he keeps me posted.

A New American Dream…  Read Here!

C.B.C. radio… Listen Here!

Hoping for best and preparing for worst: Inside the American Redoubt movement… Read Here


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