6 Gifted Preppers Sitting at The Round Table and the Subject?

6 Gifted Preppers Sitting at The Round Table and the Subject?

July 23, 2017 Preparedness Preppers Shows Survival Survival Tips 0

6 Gifted Preppers Sitting at The Round Table and the Subject?

6 Gifted Preppers Sitting at The Round Table and the Subject?In seeking to be a little more self-reliant and independent we strive to learn all we can. We find ourselves, spending countless hours searching endless resources because no one person has the answer to all our questions. There are those self-proclaimed experts that believe they know it all but our security will usually rest in the information we receive from the people we know that specialize.

Can you imagine the time saved and what you might learn by sitting at the same table with 6 gifted people in what they study and know, the assortment of information you want to know? Are you looking for ideas, maybe a little help, or the answers to questions you have? Have you ever wanted to be that “fly on the wall” during an intelligent discussion on the topics you are concerned about?

No less than 6 well known and gifted preppers, in what they know and do by study and practice come together THIS FRIDAY for a once in a life time round table meeting moderated by Dr. Joe Alton and Nurse Amy Alton of Doom and Bloom. The questions and topics of discussion will relate to how and why we should all be prepared and will vary. From global crises to various aspects of personal preparedness the list of questions for the 6 will be intriguing and the answers no less than informative.

Each person at this round table will have an opportunity to share with you their opinions or answers to the different prepper/survival related topics. The topic may or may not produce a little heated debate among our guests, we can only hope. Listeners to this LIVE broadcast will also be welcome to call in and ask their own questions as time permits.

If you would like to be that “fly on the wall”, get the answers to the questions you have, or confirm what you feel you already know then join us for this special 90-minute program. Join us in the interactive chat room during this special show where you may discuss and share your own thoughts and ideas with others or ask question on air.

Would you like to know more or learn who will be sitting at The Round Table this coming Friday? Find out more by joining us during any of the nightly live broadcast at Prepper Broadcasting.

When is this event: Friday 7/28/2017 at 9:00pm/Est 8:00pm/Ct 6:00pm/Pt
Where is this event: Prepper Broadcasting… Follow THIS LINK!
Would you like to submit a question for this show? Send to… gman (at) prepperbroadcastingnetwork (dot) com.


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