5 things to not get caught without!

5 things to not get caught without!

September 5, 2014 I Am Liberty Mind Set Preppers 0

5 things to not get caught without
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty

5 things Human brain function grunge with gearsThere is simply so much happening. There is too much happening too fast. It’s time to really take an inventory of what’s important to you and the protections you have in place. I don’t want to be an alarmist on the show tonight and I can’t guarantee you I will do just a much daydreaming as usual but I do want to speak to those out there who are thinking of where to start or bare essentials.

I am looking for feedback from listeners and emailers so feel free to give me your two cents on 5 things you wouldn’t be caught dead without in today’s America. I want to hear from folks on this show because really I could be looking over something and that is an issue. I have always told you I don’t make any money on this show but I will selfishly absorb knowledge from my great listener base and guests as well.

5 things I am liberty 400x300I heard Brotherjohnf a guest on my show in the past talking about the next bubble to burst. His hypothesis is that the Nanny State bubble with burst. This will be something tremendous. Events like nothing the world has ever seen.

But why talk about what could be? When there is so much that IS. For so long I feel like people have been looking way down the line for things to get prepared for X Flare, Super Volcanoes and various other dystopian precursors. How’s about a spread of Radical Islam that is consuming the Middle East and Europe? How’s about a direct threat to the US power grid by ISIS? How about the 28 year old man who was stabbed to death at a Dunkin Donuts on a bike ride to Florida to propose to his girlfriend. Stabbed by a homeless maniac? How about a President that seems blind to the severity of it all?
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