Power Needs When You Need It

Power Needs When You Need It

April 14, 2017 APN Report Energy Alternatives Power 0

Power Needs When You Need It
Bob Hawkins “The APN Report“ Audio in player below!

Power Needs When You Need ItApril Showers bring May Flowers, as well as Thunderstorms. We had a doozy sweep by this week, which put a hurting’ on the local power grid. There were power outages in parts of the county which give inspiration for this episode of the APN Report. 

If there is a blackout, how prepared are you? We talked about solar powered back-up a couple of months ago, but in this case, how prepared are you when the lights suddenly go dark? What we’re talking about is preparing to react in the first five minutes, how to keep from fumbling in the dark trying to find the candles or flashlight, being able to take what simple steps needed to bring modern life back to almost normal the instant the dark ages come calling.

There’s a few simple preps you can do that can make your life easy. We talk about them all on this episode of The APN Report.
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