Solar up with the Jones

Solar up with the Jones

June 3, 2018 Power Solar 0

Solar up with the Jones
David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided!

Solar up with the JonesThis show has solar electric expert and CEO of P.E.G. Solar, Joe Ordia. He is a Prepper that started a solar electric company when he could not find the help he needed as a Prepper. His company has been steadily growing and prides itself as being a solar company that understands Preppers and Prepping. Joe answers all your questions on solar power in a grid down situation. Tune into this show to find out how you can plan out your solar power system no matter how big or small you want to make it. Learn what you can power and what you should leave turned off. We will talk about the differences between 12 and 24 volts, when you should use each, and much more.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Solar up with the Jones” in player below!

Then on 9 June Dave will have one Jay Blevins from Nat Geos Doomsday Preppers and author of “The Last Fall” and “Survival and Emergency Preparedness.” Jay has his finger on the Prepper pulse and he will tell you what he is seeing and hearing in the Prepper Arena. He will also tell us about what he is currently doing with his family and Prepper Group to be better prepared. Don’t miss this show if you want to hear what is going on right now in the Prepper world.

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Prepping Up with the Jones archives, coming shows go HERE!
“Prepping Up with the Jones” “LIVE” every Sat. 8:00/Et 5:00/Pt Go To Listen and Chat
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