Water Filtration Solutions And Standardization with Dave Jones the NBC Guy

Water Filtration Solutions And Standardization with Dave Jones the NBC Guy

February 3, 2021 News Prepping Up with the Jones Shows 0

Listen to “Water Filtration Solutions And Standardization” on Spreaker.

0 (13s):
Prepper Broadcasting Network. We have to hit the reset button to create a true culture, preparedness, starting at a very young age, all the way up.

0 (38s):
disrupt that daily routine is a Prepper.

1 (1m 12s):
Well, hello, everyone out there on internet radio land. This is Dave Jones, the NBC guy, and welcomed our prepping up with the Joneses. Hey, I’m sorry. This is a pre record, but I got too much stuff going on 10 night to night. You know how Friday nights are the Jones’ homestead, but I promise you I’ll give you a good show tonight. So I got a couple things I want to talk to you about before we get right into the meat of the subject and the meat. Well, it’s kind of two pieces of meat. One is a, an interview I got with Alan rigs just last night and its about a new product that he has@greenofadp.com.

1 (2m 4s):
And it’s very impressive. It’s a water filtration system that also produces electricity. So you will hear all about that. And the other thing was I wanted to try and explain. So you get the concept okay. Rather than how to, you have to understand the concept of Standardization okay. So once you understand the concept, you apply it to every different thing that you have, everything that’s in prepping.

1 (2m 44s):
And I’ll give you examples that we do here at the Jones homestead. And then you can examine your preps and see where you can standardize. And you know, because it helps

2 (3m 1s):
Standardization helps in a bunch of different ways. It will help in your planning and preparation, your, your written plans. It will definitely help. And then it will also help in your training because as you train, people will know, they’ll remember, Oh, this is where this is because of this. And it becomes a more of a muscle memory then something that they actually have to think about and remember, okay, so I’ll give you an examples of that while we go over Standardization but Oh my, where do I start?

2 (3m 45s):
Where do I start? And the United States, first of all, Joe Biden has sent the record of any precedent for executive orders over 40, so far over 40. Oh, which reminds me, let me see what the, the website says here. The if you haven’t done this, you should do this. Go to the white house, you tube website and see what they’re likes versus dislikes are ’cause you know, he, he got millions and millions of votes.

2 (4m 31s):
I mean he’s, he’s probably the most loved president and our lifetime. Let’s see. Now this is, this is something that they just did today. This is president Biden, vice person Harris receive an economic briefing. There’s Janet Yellen. They’re all wearing these black face masks. Why did they wear black? Why don’t you wear like a red, white, and blue or something with the presidential seal on it? That I don’t know. It looks a foreboding anyway. The likes. Now, now keep in mind. This just came out. Not too long ago.

2 (5m 13s):
It doesn’t say when it does not say what time it has 24, almost 25,000 views, 552 likes 4,200 dislikes. And I am told that actually YouTube is scrubbing these things that they’re, they’re cutting the dislikes down. So if that’s cutting the dislikes down, Holy cow, okay. The press conference, the press conference. Have you seen this press secretary? Dang I’m with Chris plant.

2 (5m 53s):
She has a hair that looks like it came from Sarajevo. A communist block. Red is what I think they call that anyway. She’s making a statement for sure. The press conference got 343 likes 4,000 dislikes. There was 18,000 views. So there you go, go to YouTube and let your voices be, be heard with likes and dislikes. Just a suggestion. You know, I don’t know.

2 (6m 33s):
I don’t know if that will put you on the list or not. If you’re listening to this channel, you’re definitely on a list. You might even be on several lists. I don’t know you and me being retired military. I’m sure. I’m sure I’m on a bus bunch of list. A boy. No. Okay. What else is going on in the news that I haven’t already talked about? He will eventually get around to gun control and I think he’s waiting for the next shooting to actually announce something.

2 (7m 15s):
Oh, I know. Hang on just a second. I just printed this off my printer, the marching orders, the marching orders. Now, if James, if you haven’t heard James explain this, he wants to get as many people reading this on YouTube and on their podcasts. And he wants to get, make a statement with, Hey, we’re all in this together. So that’s, that’s where this comes from. He wants to show our government that we’re here.

2 (8m 0s):
We’re not dumb. We’re paying attention and we know what’s going on. So these are the marching orders for our federal government, directed from the cap, cut direct from the consenting governed that people demand that the federal government protect and adhere to the bill of rights. We’d like you to email your congressmen and ask them what the people should do. When they see their bill of rights being dissolved before their very eyes.

2 (8m 43s):
That’s this week’s marching orders. Now. I’m not sure if he’s got to change them every week or you know, when so many people read them so many, Shows read them, but I will keep these handy for next week. If I’m on next week, Hey, don’t forget to listen to Carl will be. And you know what? Since Carl is not here, let me see if I can put his commercial in here.

0 (9m 21s):
Nope. He didn’t work.

3 (9m 23s):
The situation around Syracuse is one of utter devastation. Just like the other new city is a danger area of highest contamination extends out 20 miles from the blast zone. All the communities immediately around the city have major problems. There is a mandatory evacuation order for the city itself and some of the immediate surrounding areas. They are testing the water air and soil constantly for contamination. This excerpt is from the book titled the Prepper part, won the collapse by Carl AED Brown, go to amazon.com today and explore one family’s journey through the collapse.

3 (10m 5s):
Again, the Prepper by Carl AED Brown.

2 (10m 11s):
There you go, Carl, Hey, that is a great book for anybody that’s starting out prepping. Or if you want to get someone to introduced to prepping, that would be a waste. If you do it, just to get them to this book, they’ll read it. And they’ll say, you know what? That could happen. Maybe I should get ready. So I’m not, you know, speaking, you can get ready. I’m waiting for a phone call from the history channel. Yeah. So if the phone rings, you know who it is. So I’m, I’m up for a show on the history channel and I’m telling you, I don’t think I’m pretty sure I’m not going to do it.

2 (10m 60s):
Well, we backed out once already. And then they kind of changed their parameters and we, we kept an open I’m when I say we, me and the lady that makes up my mind, Maria, otherwise AKA the warden. So we, we kind of entertained it for a while, but now they want to come and shoot on the 12th of February. And I don’t know, it’s been terrible cold here. So I have not been able to get anything more done on the, on the greenhouse. And I don’t think I want to buy a bunch of fish that I know are going to die or I’m going to have to put in the basement.

2 (11m 44s):
So I think it’s just not gonna work out for us. Yeah. I’d like to do it. Not, not for the notoriety, but to help other people just like I’m doing Prepper Broadcasting to help other people. Hey, I think before I go into Standardization, I’m going to play you the interview for, from Alan rigs, the green of adp.com. So here you go. Listen to this.

4 (12m 22s):
Okay. I am here with my good friend, Alan rakes say hi, Alan.

5 (12m 29s):
Hey David, it’s good to know. Good to be here. A good to hear from you. Good to talk to you. And it’s just a good all around them. I’m glad I’m on your show again.

4 (12m 36s):
Yeah, I know. Gosh, I was thinking tonight before we got on here, how long ago? My son is eight years old. So it has to be about eight years since we met.

5 (12m 50s):
Oh, I think, I think it was about that long ago. Yeah. And I just needed to say it and tell everybody that you are our number one customer. You can have one of every device that we’ve ever made since I started making devices.

4 (13m 6s):
Well, thanks. And you haven’t quit either. Oh my gosh. When you emailed me that link and I saw that video, I’m like, Oh my gosh, I got to get you back on the show. We got to talk about this. ’cause you know, with the way things are right now, I think there’s going to be a lot of preppers and a lot more prepers well, it’s, you know, a pandemic got a bunch of people back into it and people taking it seriously, you know? Yeah. And this Water Filtration system that you have now tell me the name of it.

5 (13m 50s):
It’s the pure and a water purification system.

4 (13m 53s):
Sure. And aid. Okay. I was, I was going to call it the pure pronator

5 (14m 2s):
Just for Arnoldy calls a bit.

4 (14m 3s):
Yeah. So now describe it for our, our listeners because now you have your, I already told them it’s green of adp.com. Okay, good. All right. Okay. So everything that you have is on there and you are a prolific inventor. This is, this is amazing here. I’m wondering when you have time to sleep. Now I’m wondering when you had time to sleep because this is so new, a pure Nater 1000, right?

4 (14m 43s):
Yes. Okay. Now tell me about this. Okay.

5 (14m 47s):
Okay. Well, I’m going to give you the reason we did it first, but we had a gun who was interested in a saltwater powered, a water purification system. So we looked them up and we found one and we put everything together and it was just too big and too clunky. So we, the guy that works with me as a, a partner started scrounging around and he said, you know, I think we can make one ourselves a little bit smaller and a bit more efficient and make more Water. So we walked around and looked around and we found some, some smaller filters and the, this, this box that you see there.

5 (15m 30s):
Yeah. Mid in the overhead compartment of an airplane,

4 (15m 34s):
Right. It looks like one of those tough boxes.

5 (15m 38s):
It is, it is. That’s exactly what it is. We sized it. So you could take it on the airplane. And if you’re a first responder or a disaster responder, it’s right there, you jump up out of your seat and take this to The a place where you need to make Water. And it runs on the filthy water that you’re trying to clean. And the, the, the, the 1000, the pure name 1000 means that it will make with one loan of that, of that fuel cell, 1000 gallons.

4 (16m 14s):
Water no way. I thought it was like 1000 Watts, because it’s a power. You have a power cell there now. Okay. So explain each one of the components because I see three Water Water things. Okay. And I see, I see your battery pack. So

5 (16m 38s):
It’s not a battery pack. It’s a fuel cell.

4 (16m 39s):
Right, right, right. I’m sorry if you will. So that’s like a gas mask and protected mask for me. Okay.

5 (16m 47s):
Okay. So, so let me, let me tell you what we’re looking at here and when you’re looking at it with the lid open. Yes. And then the thing in the middle, you can’t see it real well with this silver dots on it. Okay. Yeah. I see it. And that’s our reciprocating pump. And if you look, you can’t see this back behind a fuel cell, but there’s a, a suction hose that goes out the side, go through the pumps. And the discharge is into the hose. That’s on the left. Yes. And it goes vertically into the, the five micron filter as a, it has a, ah, as a sediment filter on the end of the hose where your second at the end from a Creek or the pond or whatever.

5 (17m 34s):
So it goes into the five-way front to occur. Then it goes into the one micron filter in the right-hand side. Yes. And that comes down into this UV light. So you filter out and filter out. And if there’s anything left, this UV light kills it. Yeah. And then you’re a, you’ve got a clean drinking water and it makes it in a gallon per minute.

4 (18m 2s):
That’s amazing. That is truly amazing.

5 (18m 6s):
The whole thing, like I said, if it’s in the overhead, on the airplane in ways who is a little bit less than 20 pounds.

4 (18m 14s):
Yeah. Now every, it seems like everything that you invent, the The core that the hub of the wheel is your fuel cell. Now, can you explain your fuel cell to these people?

5 (18m 31s):
You know, ours is interesting. And I have a, I have a patent on a number of applications of this fuel cell. And the way it works is we have created what we call the main body. That’s the frame that holds the catheter to the anode. And a few, if you look at the picture and then the lower right-hand side, see kind of a light grayish sort of a material, yes. That’s our cathode material or whether it’s a multi-layer. And there’s a, a, there’s a wire mesh in there, and there’s a lot of carbon on the other, the bath for a four conductivity. And then we put in a magnesium alloys anode. And the difference in potential, in the reaction to when the cathode and the anode in the salt water makes magnesium hydroxide milk of magnesia, and then evolves as a small amount of hydrogen that dissipates very rapidly in a burst of free electronics.

5 (19m 27s):
So we get up those three electrons, put it in the upper end of the cell and drive things like our water pump. When we drive things like the electric lights or other motors, just lots of things that we can drive with a fuel cell. And it’s very efficient, less for a long time. And when you have used up all of the iNode, you could take it out, put it in a new one in, it takes about, I don’t know, three minutes within a new set of anos and doing it all over it. And you can do that over and over and over and a set of anos ways. Oh, a man I’m thinking maybe, maybe 12, 14 ounces when you just plug them right in there.

5 (20m 7s):
Add a little bit of water in a way you go.

4 (20m 10s):
Yep. Now, when we first started, you had the G mag. So, so tell me about the G mag, because you’re charging rechargeable batteries with this.

5 (20m 23s):
If you’re on my web page, let’s go back a page. And the, and it’s, I have a new packaging from the female. Like if you look at the G makes a lot, Water generated emergency power. You can click on that one. Okay. Now this one is the same kind of box or at least.

4 (20m 45s):
Okay. So you will see, there

5 (20m 48s):
Are a R G Meg is laying not laying in the, in the middle of the box, the lower left-hand corner there. It has replaceable anodes they’re on the back. They snap in and step out. If you put saltwater in the small box and it will charge to these six, 1000 million hour batteries, you get about three, the three and a half hours.

4 (21m 9s):
Yeah. That’s quick. I mean, if you did this by solar, it would take like all day and you may not get them all fully charged.

5 (21m 18s):
Right? So when you, when you’re done, you pour the water out, rinse it with fresh water, pump out these batteries, and they are good to go. Or if you want right above the a G bag ourself, you’ll see the The three lights on a black plastic thing. That is a USB charger. So you put in four double a batteries that you discharged and you plug in this phone cord that’s on the upper part of the, the box going to get into your phone and theirs on the left side of the, the, where the three lights are our phone adapters, one for a droid and one for a Apple phones. So you plug that in and now you’re charging yourself up.

4 (22m 1s):
Okay. So how many rechargeable batteries? Cause I see different ones. There,

5 (22m 9s):
There are a ton of them in here. We have 18 bigger batteries. Yup. Six AA batteries in The a charger for double a batteries. And that USB, why I see that six triple a batteries just to the right of that in AAA to AA adapters. So you can pop them in here and charge them just like AA batteries. And you can then use them as triple A’s or a double A’s. And then we have took far too far to the right. Those are the types of the other. Those are the two and double a batteries in a AA to see it after. So those are those emulate C size batteries below that there are two orders for 18, six fifties, and you take three of the triple A’s and put them in there.

5 (22m 54s):
And now function, the function says an 18, six 50.

4 (22m 58s):
Wow. That is, you knew you didn’t have to have it before. You know, that’s a new one. Yeah.

5 (23m 4s):
It was a lot of things coming out that are driven by 18, six fifties. But you put in three triple A’s men and you’re good to go for a long time.

4 (23m 12s):
Okay. Well now geesh, I need one of those. I don’t have one of those. Okay. So now that’s so it’s designed to get you rechargeable batteries anywhere. Anytime, no sun, no wind, or you can do a day to night. All you need is salt water.

5 (23m 39s):
Exactly. And what you do, if you don’t have salt water, you take it a lot. I’m going to tap water. You put in about a, of a salt mix it all up for it in there. And until it just dribbles out the end goal, you will see that it’s in the instructions. The instructions by the way, are inside that foam rubber in the top lid. Oh, step by step instructions.

4 (24m 0s):
Yeah. So that’s designed for all your radios. Anything that you want to power or, or charge up like your phones and things like that. Now tell me about the cold fusion.

5 (24m 17s):
The, the, the cold fusion is the, is the fuel cell that was put in the, we put in the water purifier, but we also have standalone cold fusion batteries. And if you’re on that page with me, yeah. This the cold fusion 12 a hundred series. The first one we have there, the fairly large, when that was about AI, but a 2000, but a 1001 hour machine. So that’s roughly the equivalent of a, a bit of a, of a, a a hundred amp hour and a Marine battery. Right. And that would weigh about 80 pounds to lose about 15 pounds.

4 (25m 2s):
Now, that’s what I was telling people today. When I, when I got on there and we do these things called a daily audio cache, we talk about what’s bugging you and all this kind of stuff. I did tell him today about the cold fusion. And it’s gives you the ability. It’s like those little, what are they? They call them generators, but they don’t generate. They just basically store power in a battery, which is very heavy. And you usually hook them up to a solar cell, you know, to recharge them. But if you don’t have sun for several days, then the batteries you need the batteries.

4 (25m 46s):
What this does is it gives you a thousand watt hours of power and all you need is some salt water. Exactly. Yeah.

5 (25m 58s):
And we tell people, you know, we try to keep this delicate, but if you’re in a way, big trouble, you can take it behind the tree and fill up yourself with it makes electricity.

4 (26m 7s):
Well, yeah. If I, if I drank enough, the cells look pretty big, but I don’t think they are. It’s just a picture. Now all of this fits in a box that goes in an overhead airplane cabinet, right?

5 (26m 26s):
Well, that’s true of The of the, and a water filter. And we had originally built our 1001 hour machine to go in there, but we found that we could make those fuel cells much smaller and still get the same kind of performance. This one that you see here, we’ve made for an autonomous vehicle that found us in what we’re doing is charging the batteries on that autonomous vehicle. And we can keep it at sea about 10 times longer than just batteries alone. If you, if you go to the right here and see our custom field cells and the one picture there is a 44 volt fuel cell, the same autonomous vehicle.

5 (27m 13s):
Huh. And that one is that one’s about a 10,001 hours, the power, big hunk and fuel cell.

4 (27m 21s):
Yeah. Huge. And the great thing is the weight of these things. I mean, that’s one great, great thing that they, they don’t weigh hardly anything compared to others batteries or other cells.

5 (27m 41s):
Let’s look at this big one, the 44 volt, 44 volt system. That’s the equivalent to a, the power output is equivalent to about eight, 100 million power Marine batteries. Once again, about 80 pounds. This one, no, that’s not a true 80 pounds to each times a day, times eight. That’s a, the 640 pounds. Yeah. This thing weighs about 25.

4 (28m 10s):
Wow. That is amazing.

5 (28m 14s):
So the power to weight ratio is huge. And We, I’ll tell you what I, I leap out of bed every morning to go to work. We just have a heck of a time and making stuff. We can electricity from nothing. We can start with one of these by the end of the day, we’re making electricity.

4 (28m 29s):
Yeah. Hey, now lets go back to the Pyrenees for a minute because you did, it has the Water Filtration thing, but it also has the fuel cells. So if you wanted to do like charging other things, you know, and let’s say you made enough water, you made enough water to keep you through the day. You could recharge your other stuff too with it.

5 (28m 57s):
That’s it. You know, we’ll put up with these, we’re going to start including alligator clips in the switch. So you can turn off everything else. Yeah. The alligator clips on the wall and the a fuel cell and charge up your cell phone. There’s a lot of things we can do. And We this one routinely comes with a, a, a cell phone charger already wired in and it goes in the top lid there. But I get stoned, have that one picture in here. So you can charge your cell phone while you’re making the fresh water. Or you could put one of those. I was going to a lot of led lights in there, put your eye out and you can aim that around so you can see what you’re doing outside the box.

4 (29m 37s):
Oh, that is nice. That is very nice. So with the long in everybody’s survival, 10 is electricity at once. You figured that out, you could do all this other stuff and it looks like you figured it out, put it all in one little tough box and now you can carry it anywhere you want

5 (29m 59s):
You can’t no, we make three versions of this. Really? Yeah. The one you see here with a fuel cell in it, that’s our standalone, a fuel cell water purifier. If you remember the GM mag that charged batteries, right. You will see that on my website here and a day or so. And then it will probably be on there for your audience tomorrow, but it is to cells to big hunk and cells. And it charges a 14, a rechargeable, the size batteries, 10,000 million or a D size batteries. And what you do with that, what does he use the batteries?

5 (30m 39s):
And it will run. The a water purifier for about two and a half hours. And then you take them out of their, their holder and put em in the, the holder that’s wired in parallel and the charger that’s in there charges those batteries back up. Yeah. So instead of carrying around the whole fuel cell, you carry around a two cell battery charger and you just go to town. It takes about, about five hours to charge the big, the big, the big needs five or six hours. Yes. And then we have one other one that’s even smaller. Well, it’s the same size, but the less weight. And it comes with with 14 alkaline batteries.

5 (31m 24s):
And it also runs for about two and a half hours. Now let’s talk about doing half hours. Yeah. Two hours is 120 is a 120 gallons of water. And another half an hour will be 30. So that’s a, a 150 gallons of water on this thing. And then the spoiler, the waste 13 pounds.

4 (31m 45s):
Oh my gosh. So everything weighs 13 pounds,

5 (31m 51s):
13 pounds. And then the next one up is about 15. And then the one that’s the The a full fuel cell is about 20, just shy of 20

4 (32m 1s):
Holy cow. Now that, that is truly amazing. So you pull into a, a disaster area and two things you need is drinkable, water and electricity. And one case that weighs about 20 pounds will do both of those things for you. Yes, sir. That is amazing.

5 (32m 26s):
I love it. And there’s another interesting, the important part here. Yeah. The, for the last, the six or eight years, there’s been a Jones, 15 fun for anybody that listens to you to buy one.

4 (32m 42s):
Yes. I wanted to tell everybody about that on the show. We have a standing coupon and apparently it’s been acting for a long time, but I haven’t been talking about you that much, Alan. I’m sorry. But tonight folks get on there, check out the video. The video is very impressive. You get to see everything in operation. Alan’s explaining it to you. And then, Hey, I want to also tell our listeners about your background. You’re a retired Navy, right?

5 (33m 22s):
I am. I was a, a submariner and then an engineering duty officer and a surgeon for 27 years.

4 (33m 28s):
Dang, 27 years in the Navy. Navy is hard. Man. Navy is hard. I don’t think I could have done it. I did the army. You know, where you get fresh air.

5 (33m 39s):
Can you go out there and eat snakes and Barry’s and stuff? Well,

4 (33m 42s):
Some of them do. Yeah, but a boy, a submariner that’s, that’s a hard life right there. That’s you get, you get anything you can carry in your duffel bag and that’s it. That’s all,

5 (33m 57s):
You know, that’s it.

4 (33m 59s):
Yeah. And then you don’t see the sun for what was it? A three month rotations or something like that.

5 (34m 8s):
You know? W what I, what I was going to see a lot. I think I missed it all over the 1970s and all of the 1980s. So what do you remember the song though? I don’t remember. I think it was probably a submerged.

4 (34m 22s):
Yeah. Yeah. I remember when I went to OCS and the, and, and you’re locked up for like six weeks. You don’t hear anything for six weeks. And the first song I heard it was, we built this city on rock and roll. I thought, wow, that is a great song.

5 (34m 42s):

4 (34m 45s):
Yeah. So you don’t know what you’re missing until, till you get back to it. So you’re a veteran owned veteran operated company. You’re making this stuff in Florida, right?

5 (34m 59s):
We are, yeah. We’re in a cocoa, Florida.

4 (35m 2s):
American made veteran owned a unbelievable products that answers a bunch of problems for preppers. And you get 15% off if you use Jones 15.

5 (35m 19s):
Yes, sir. No, sir. No spaces. Yeah. And, and that disconnect day, a couple of other things, if you take this, any of our products and putting them on the shelf, the last indefinitely, you can give them to your great-great-grandchildren and they will still work.

4 (35m 35s):
Yes. That’s what I used to say about the mag, this thing. And that’s what Alan was talking about. But like, I have every one of the versions of GMAS and we’re like, I’d see me at the next show. And I said, Hey, Alan, what’s the new he’d say, well, I have this one. Okay. I want that one.

5 (35m 55s):
And I think you have the, the, the biggest museum of my stuff anywhere,

4 (36m 0s):
Every iteration of your GMA, which is really, really cool. So the, the, the latest thing is that a pure pronator. Okay. I got to get one of those and because I don’t have it.

5 (36m 18s):
Well, they’re brand new, you know, that’s okay. Yeah.

4 (36m 21s):
Oh my gosh. And the, the UV light is also powered by the electricity and you can charge your cell phone and you’re making purified water. I mean, dang. This is amazing. Thank you. Yeah. And if they have questions, just go to the website, email, you know?

5 (36m 43s):
Sure. And you can email me my phone number’s on there. We’re always happy to talk to folks will answer any questions. And if you want a, a, a custom, you, you know, made him feel cellmate come to us will be happy to make one for you.

4 (36m 59s):
You were making last time we talked, you were making some for drones.

5 (37m 5s):
Yeah. That’s, that’s R a N next new frontier. We can pack a lot of power in these, and we believe that we can fly it by drones, Fairmount longer than with him. Batteries can. So stay tuned on that one.

4 (37m 22s):
Well, yeah. And lighter weight. Yeah. That’s, that’s a perfect fit. So anybody that has a need for power that, you know, weight, weight is a problem. You can probably design something for them to get them power. And a weight is won’t be a problem. Yes, sir. You’re right. That is cool. Well, thank you so much, Alan, for coming on the show tonight and showing us these new innovative products, fed disaster response, preppers, you name it.

4 (38m 2s):
Anybody that wants to solve the water problem right here it is.

5 (38m 9s):
Well, thank you, Dave. I tell you it’s, it’s always a pleasure to be on the show. It’s always a pleasure to talk to you. We love what we do. We try to do it well. And we’re responsible, responsive to the needs of our customers.

4 (38m 24s):
Yeah. Hey, and I’m going to try and get you to Prepper camp this year. If you can come up to North Carolina.

5 (38m 32s):
No, it’s it’s. It’s what like 12 degrees up there right now. Dole Lloyd.

1 (38m 36s):
Here it is. Yeah.

5 (38m 41s):
You or me going? Camping in a stolen stuff. Yeah.

1 (38m 46s):
Yeah. It’s it’s you know, if it ain’t raining, it ain’t training. Right.

5 (38m 52s):
Thanks again, Dave. Hey, tell her why you don’t forget Jones. 15

1 (38m 57s):
Jones. 15 is the discount code. You get 15% off any one of these products on green of adp.com. Thanks a lot out.

5 (39m 7s):
You really enjoy the day. Bye bye. Bye bye.

1 (39m 11s):
Okay. There you have it. Hey, so you probably guessed that I still haven’t changed my computer. Yes. I got a brand new computer for Christmas and it is sitting still in the box right behind me. So we’re operating off of the old computer and my old cell phone. So I hope the audio came through okay. On that interview because I was just playing it through my speakers. So before we go on, I want to find the newest commercial for fire edge. And if I can’t find it, I will just have to tell you all about fire edge.

1 (39m 54s):

3 (39m 58s):
Are you prepared to be the family doctor in a disaster or emergency? This is the Intrepid commander and I’m a holding the Prepper’s medical handbook by William w 40 M D in this grade book. You’ll learn how to prepare for medical care off the grid. You’ll learn about assessment and stabilization. You’ll even deal with things like bioterrorism response, radiation, and how to build the off-grid medical kit at home. Look, 2020 taught. It’s a lot about the limitations of our medical infrastructure in America. Get the Prepper’s medical handbook today@amazon.com.

3 (40m 38s):
Again, that’s The preppers medical handbook by William w 40.

1 (40m 44s):
Well, I could not find the fire edge commercial, but I played that one. Oh, okay. So that is a great book. Also. I have it in my Prepper library. If you don’t have it in yours. I mean, it’s right next to the dock bones, a nurse, Amy. Okay. So you got to get this book. It’s fantastic. And there’s charts in the back that will help you before, during and after a disaster. I mean, it’s, it’s a very good book on medical readiness written by a doctor who is in a Prepper. So that’s, it’s very good.

1 (41m 24s):
Before we go into Standardization I hear the warden coming to get me. So I’m going to have to put you on pause. It won’t won’t seem like long to you, but I think I have to go put the goats in. Okay. Well, I guess she’s putting the goats in as we speak, so I’m not needed. Hey, let’s go on to Standardization and, and here’s the thing Standardization whether you are with a group or with your family, for instance, in a group, you may want to have the same types of weapons in the same calibers.

1 (42m 9s):
So you can also bulk purchase ammunition to get a better deal, split it up amongst Jews, the parts are interchangeable. For instance, all of our handguns or our nine millimeter. All of our, a, ours are three Oh eight. Now I chose three Oh eight because it’s a bigger bullet. It’s more versatile than the 5.56. You can do more with it. You can get armor piercing rounds. It’s, it’s just the caliber that I chose. And that’s the reason why, but like I said, the AR platform, all the lower stuff is interchangeable.

1 (42m 56s):
You know, if, if your trigger spring breaks, you can take the trigger spring out of another one and fix it, barrels bowl. You know, if, if you’re in the same caliber, all of that works for you. The nine millimeters that I got, where the tourist model, 92, and I got one for me and one for my wife, we used to be the army standard, a nine millimeter sidearm. So they, well not the tour’s version, the Beretta version, which they are identical. They were made in the same factory, you know, and tourists, but the factory from Beretta in Brazil anyway, that’s, that’s a whole nother story for Dane D on a Thursday night, but that’s the reason I went with those.

1 (43m 52s):
Okay. The same magazines. So our magazines are interchangeable. Do you see where I’m going with this medical supplies in the eye effects kits that we have? And each one has one, they have the same stuff in each one of the effects. Okay. And when I was in the army, we carried our own first aid stuff on us. So the first aid stuff that we were carrying was ours. So you wouldn’t need to ask someone for theirs, you know, and if, and if you were unconscious could not help yourself.

1 (44m 39s):
Whoever found you knew exactly where your first aid was knew exactly what was in it and could treat you to include, you know, The the NBC type stuff, the nerve agent antidote, and the two Pam chloride and all that. All right. So that’s, that’s one thing. Another thing when you go out or camping or bugging out, if you standardize the location for your stuff, amongst all your PACS, you don’t have to go digging for something.

1 (45m 23s):
If you say, Hey, can you get me that pair of socks out? If everybody keeps their pair of socks in the same place, then, then you will know that you can reach in their packet, that pair of socks out and give it to them. Flashlights. Same thing. If you’re going to do flashlights, do the same type of flashlight for the same type of batteries. Okay. So they’re all interchangeable. If you have rechargeables, you know, those, those are all interchangeable. Anything that you can think of can be standardized.

1 (46m 9s):
Okay. I would put on the outside of my pack, either my rucksack, my day pack, my whatever pack, something that glowed in the dark, a strip or a strap, or one of those glowing in the dark tubes. And the reason I would put that on there is so that you could see it at night in a dark tent, and you wouldn’t have to go fumbling and fooling around. And if everybody did that, you’d be able to see everybody’s pack. And then you wouldn’t be tripping over I’m in the dark. So, you know, the camp knives, okay.

1 (46m 55s):
You have the same type of camp knife OK. In the same location. You know, now if you’re right-handed or left-handed, you know, you might want to change that up a little bit, but you know, you’re a load bearing gear is what I’m talking about. Your basic belt harness, strap thing. You know, if you know, if it’s a plate carrier, it’s a plate carrier. Your you’re a better man than I am, but you know, you’re a harness put that on there, everything in the same location for everybody, you know, canteen pistol knife, multi-tool, you know, you know, there’s, there’s some things that you want to carry with you all the time.

1 (47m 51s):
And it, in the Jones’ household, We, you know, in a grid down situation, we will carry on us. Anytime we go outside the house, a sidearm or a knife and a multi tool, all of these have a function and you don’t want to have to run back to the houses to get something. So if you have those three things on you on a belt, you, you don’t, you’re independent, you can do things and you don’t have to go look for something, right?

1 (48m 31s):
If you, if you are out there checking, you know, your perimeter, defense, your, your trip, wires and all that kind of stuff. If you have those three things on you, you can make repairs, you can do identification. You know, if someone came through your perimeter or not, and you can return fire, if something happens and you’re out there, you know, on your perimeter, by yourself, just so you know, think about any way you can standardize anything in your operation. You know, chainsaws, if you have a craftsman chainsaw, which is, I think Poland, and then you have a steel, the chains will not, you can’t interchange the chains.

1 (49m 24s):
Okay. So, so just think about every place that you can standardize, because it only increases your capabilities. Now, if you want to send me a tips or tricks that you have for Standardization, you know, fire kits, fire starting kits have the same stuff in all the fire starting kits, right? If you want to send me your ideas for Standardization, you can email me@dljonesatdljones.net.

1 (50m 8s):
That’s D lJones@dljones.net. That’s my personal email account. And if you have any suggestions for upcoming, Shows, you know, if you want me to talk about, I dunno, what you want me to talk to me about raising, raising, raising quail. That was my daily audio cashier. The day we’re getting back to the basics here in 2021. So we’re going to help as many new preppers as we possibly can. And my suggestion was quail, if you want to get into some birds and quail are easy, very easy.

1 (50m 52s):
They’re easy to dress. They’re easy to raise. They’re consistent. They’re, there’s, they’re quiet. I mean, you could actually raise these things in our apartment. That’s how quiet they are. And they pop an egg out every day, every day for two years. So now they’re about, you know, one third, the size of a normal egg, or I think for recipes, it’s like one fifth or something like that, but they’re, they’re very, very easy. Another thing, chickens and, and Quayle.

1 (51m 32s):
And The just about anything, any kind of food scraps that you have, these things are almost as good as pigs just saying, just saying nothing goes to waste around this house here. We throw orange peels out. They pick all the, the Rhine off and the rest of it just goes, you know, the compost and you can use their poop for fertilizer. Yeah. So everything, everything works. What else can I tell you about Standardization I know as soon as I end this, I’ll think of several things that I didn’t tell you, but any place that you can standardize only increases your capabilities.

1 (52m 24s):
Okay. That’s pretty much it. Like I said, if you have an idea for a show or you want me to do some research, did a show a couple of weeks ago. That was, well, man, now it’s a couple months, I guess, on predicting your own weather, how to predict your own weather. And it was using very little technology. Okay. So there was more, you know, the old wives tales and a, an, a barometer that was not electronic. Okay. It was mechanical.

1 (53m 5s):
And then keeping a chart on the weather. I mean, that’s the way they did it back in the day. That’s why there were wind vanes on top of barns so that the farmer could look up and see which way the wind was blowing. And he knew whether, you know, it was out of a South, we’re going to have some rain that’s out of the North or cold-weather, you know, things like that.

6 (53m 32s):
Oh boy.

1 (53m 33s):
I know. As soon as I end the show, it’s going to be I’ll know exactly what I wanted to tell you is, well, everybody out there in radio listening land, I hope that you have a great weekend. Remember to prep on prioritize, make a list, check it twice, prioritize. That’s that’s really, all it is. Prepping is a series of decisions prioritized that that’s, that’s it, you know, so, you know, when COVID hit last year, we changed our priorities. We just continued prepping. And then when the shortage has started coming, we, we prepped more food.

1 (54m 17s):
We prepped, we prepped a lot of food and right now we’re, we’re sitting pretty darn good. I can’t, I can’t think of one thing that we should run out and buy. That’s amazing. But like I said, this past year, we, we prepped our butts off with, we have an infirmary. Yes. We had a spare bed. One of the kids, it was a twin bed and the, you know, had drawers underneath. So we, we have an isolation spot in the basement right next to the, to the toilet.

1 (54m 59s):
That’s in the basement and that’s our infirmary now. And we keep all our medical supplies, their blood pressure, cuff oxygen, you know, everything right there. So if someone gets sick or hurt, we can take them down, lay them on the bed there and, and treat them. Yeah. The little things that you can do a little, you know, that was a spare bed that we put on Craigslist. Couldn’t sell it morays. And I’m just going to put it over here in the corner, or have you used the drawers to keep all our vitamins and medicine in it? So that automatically became the infirmary.

1 (55m 40s):
Yeah. Okay. Everybody out there, radio listening land. Thanks for tuning in tonight. Please share. Prepper Broadcasting share it. We need to get more people prepping and ready for whatever’s coming or whatever. I mean, a does the new administration fill you full of confidence, just asking will their response. You remember the year that it was the rain and hurricanes and Puerto Rico was wiped out, what do you think the Biden administration will be to all of this?

1 (56m 28s):
And, and just to give you an example is what John Kerry said the other night, they need to make better choices. When the XF, if the pipeline was canceled and they called these jobs, temporary jobs, they’re not temporary jobs. They’re the jobs that these people were trained to do. Very good well-paying jobs. And they wiped them out with the stroke of a pen. Just wiped him out.

0 (57m 4s):
Yeah. So you need to prep.

1 (57m 8s):
You need to prep and you need to get as many people prepping as possible. Please share Prepper Broadcasting membership. If you, if you’re not a member, James just posted a video today, today that only members can see. So get in there, get your membership. It’s like 60 bucks for a year. It’s $5 a month. It’s cheap. I mean, It’s probably your best Prepper dollar. That’s the most bang for your Prepper dollar or the number one thing you can do in prepping is always improve or acquire new skills and a membership in PBN will help you do that.

0 (57m 57s):

1 (57m 57s):
Everybody out there on the internet radio land, everybody take care and Prepper on

0 (58m 5s):

0 (58m 48s):
Thank you for listening to the Prepper Broadcasting Network where we promote self-reliance Independence tune in tomorrow for another great show and visit us at Prepper Broadcasting dot com.


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