The sex trade, Nigeria, Ahmed Mohammed…

The sex trade, Nigeria, Ahmed Mohammed…

September 19, 2015 Collapse Experiment News 0

The sex trade, Nigeria, Ahmed Mohammed…
Matthew Gilman “The Collapse Experiment”

sex trade hooker_xlargeWith the current immigration crisis happening in Europe there should be no surprised that smugglers are resorting to the sex trade and indentured servitude to make a profit. It is not just women who are resorting to this form of trade but young men as well. In Italy, young Muslim men have resorted to selling themselves on the street to pay back money to smugglers and in order to eat. There is a repeated pattern here when it comes to immigration in Europe. We saw the same thing happen with Bosnia in the 1990s.

9-19-15 5184In Nigeria over half a million children have been displaced in the last 5 months while trying to escape the country in free of Boko Haram. The group is know as the African ISIS branch. They are opposed to western education and burned down school, killing teachers for not following their strict laws.
Formed in 2002, Boko Haram has been a military force in Nigeria since 2009.

Ahmed Mohammed was arrested in Texas for bringing to school a homemade clock. His teacher mistook the device for a bomb and Ahmed was arrested and processed. Outcry from around the world has spread over the stupidity of the incident. Since the incident Ahmed has been offered a visit to the white house.

9-19-15 592560859_dna_500_xlargeIn Britain scientist have applied for a permit to modify the genes in embryos. Earlier this year Chinese scientist were the first to edit the DNA of an embryo successfully. If the process is simplified this could mean a whole new way for parents to decided if they want a boy or a girl, or brown eyes or blue, etc. the potential is that it could also prevent genetically prone diseases or cancers.
All of this and more on the next episode of the collapse experiment podcast.

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